May 9, 2024

RV Living

On The Road Again With RV Living

Roads and Stays Episode 12 Recap: Living the Stout Life with Ken and April

3 min read

In episode 12 of Roads and Stays audio magazine, Ken and April Pishna shared their fascinating journey of living life on the road. The couple, who share a passion for beer, travel, and adventure, discussed their experiences, philosophy on life, and the importance of balancing work and play.

Introduction to the Stout Life

Ken and April expressed their excitement about reconnecting for the interview. They have a unique story to tell, having transitioned to a nomadic lifestyle in their RV after their children became adults. They embarked on a journey that blends their love for travel, beer, and adventure, which they aptly named “Living a Stout Life.”

What is the Stout Life?

The Stout Life, as Ken and April explained, is about living a full, bold, and rich life. Beyond just beer, it symbolizes embracing a life filled with exciting experiences. They encouraged others to reflect on whether they’re truly living their “stout life.”

Beer as a Soundtrack to Life

The couple compared beer to a soundtrack for life. Just as a good soundtrack enhances a movie, beer enhances their life experiences. They highlighted how beer fosters community, connecting people in a unique way, much like music enhances communal gatherings.

Exploring Breweries on the Road

Ken and April often stay at Harvest Hosts locations, which include breweries. They described their adventures at these breweries, where they enjoy beer, meet fellow travelers, and become part of a welcoming community. They also shared how their love for beer research often leads to a relaxing evening on-site.

Balancing Work and Adventure

The couple acknowledged that work can sometimes get in the way of play. However, they stressed the importance of finding a balance. While traveling, they make time to explore the beautiful places they visit. The key is to create time for activities they enjoy, even when working remotely.

The Role of Nature in the Stout Life

For Ken and April, nature plays a significant role in their adventures. They love outdoor activities like snowboarding, hiking, mountain biking, and stand-up paddleboarding. They emphasized the importance of integrating these activities into their travels, rather than treating beautiful landscapes as mere backdrops.

The Challenge of Storing Adventure Gear

One challenge of RV living is limited storage space, but Ken and April have found creative solutions. They utilize their car and custom-built storage compartments to accommodate their snowboarding equipment, bikes, paddleboards, and even their brewing equipment.

Seeking Balance

Ken and April encouraged others to find their own balance between work and play. They emphasized that balance doesn’t mean an equal division of time but rather creating moments to enjoy life’s adventures.


Ken and April Pishna’s “Stout Life” is a remarkable journey filled with beer, travel, and adventure. Their story inspires others to seek their own unique balance and embrace life’s richness on the road.


Find Ken and April at

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