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Class of 2020

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Please correct me if I'm wrong...but I don't see a Class of 2020...

Edited October 9 by skeet

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It's up to anyone going full time in any particular year to start a thread for that class. It looks to me like you may have just started the 2020 class thread. :) If so, tell us a bit about yourself and see what happens next. Just know that some classes become more active than others and that would not be a reflection on you either good or bad. My class of 2008 felt a bit too small so we invited the class of 2009 to join us and that worked out well. There are no hard and fast rules about classes, we just find it helps to get to know people about the same stage you are in to support one another through the transition from house living to RV living.


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Thank you Linda   I guess I started the Class of 2020..  My DW says I'm only good at starting trouble....I hope she's wrong....this one time?. I was in the class of 2019...but life got in the way. So now.. the house goes up for sale the first of march 2020. In the meantime...we'll be looking at motor homes and spending Thanksgiving and Xmas with our son and granddaughter in Texas.

We've been in our house for over 26 years...and even though we love where we live....we don't enjoy all the work(5 acres) like we used to. We live in SW Washington state and we get about 65-70 inches of rain and sometimes a lot of snow every year. The winters are wet, gray, long and gloomy.  We would like to chase spring like weather year round and see as much of the U.S. and Canada as possible. 

I've been reading this site and and others..since 2007..and I've learned a lot. But..I know once we're on the road....I'll really get an education.  

I hope I don't get too lonely in the Class of 2020.

(@Kirk W)
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The class thing began some years ago with a group who were planning to meet in Quartzsite, AZ to celebrate the move to fulltime RVing. Since we are not into desert dry camping and my wife can't deal with dust, we have never taken part in that gathering and it started on the forums several years after we hit the road. It seems to have evolved to include pretty much anyone who is planning to go fulltime in the particular year, where the first few classes actually gathered on the desert in January of the particular year. At one time the classes had a BOF as well but I'm not sure how active the group is but it is still listed in Escapees Magazine.

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WE plan to be in that class tho late joiners. My wife can retire and qualify for early SS in September 20 but we will hit the road in late May.

We live in north Florida, and have done extensive camping. I think we started in the 1980's tho I had done quite a bit before I got married. We started tent camping with a trip up to the Wind River's, YNP and Craters of the Moon. I don't actually recall everywhere we stopped on that trip.

Over the years we worked our way thru the towable inventory: several popups, a hybrid Trailmanor, a 35 ft fiver and our latest AF 25Y TT. We visited all 48 states with the kids over the years as my seniority and thus my vacation time grew.

The kids have all ejected and I retired and so we downsized to our Arctic Fox TT and are very happy with it. We did almost 9000 miles in it this summer. And except for some stupid mistakes on my part and some minor problems in the RV it was a successful trip.

Right now I'm working on a todo list for the AF including getting the 400W of solar hooked up and running. We did some boondocking this summer and want to do a lot more. Plus we are interested in workcamping intermixed with traveling.

I'd like to go to the National but it is very far off and the timing is bad since we can't leave here until Memorial day so I think we'll have to wait this one out. We do plan to do some of the eastern Boondocker BOF meetings this winter which are just about in our backyard. I looked at the GA chapter meeting but the agenda does not appeal so that one is problematic.

Our travel will have to be mixed with returns to the home area so my wife can get her hit of grandkid time. Most likely around the holidays for sure. That would be a great time to workcamp at one of the local state parks but I understand they are flooded with volunteers starting around that time since the snowbirds are flying south.

Looking forward to meeting some or a lot of you.

(@Kirk W)
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  On 10/10/2019 at 5:16 AM, agesilaus said:

I'd like to go to the National but it is very far off and the timing is bad since we can't leave here until Memorial day so I think we'll have to wait this one out.

Memorial Day will be May 25, and Escapade opens on June 21, leaving 4 weeks to travel the 2,100 miles or so to get there. If she can be gone that long, think about attending!  ?

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That's true, I'll have to re-think this.

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Kirk you sure changed our plans for this summer, from Colorado and Utah boondocking to a run up to Wyoming then across to the Sawtooths and then into Oregon with a dip into the Peoples Republic for Lassen and then up to the Cascades. Heh

Trying to figure out where to kill a week before the Escapade.

Edited October 14 by agesilaus

(@Kirk W)
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  On 10/14/2019 at 8:46 AM, agesilaus said:

Trying to figure out where to kill a week before the Escapade.

There are many choices between FL and WY, or you could make a side-trip to somewhere like Yellowstone Park. You cold easily route to visit Rocky Mountain NP. If you have not been to Nashville it would be easy to spend several days there. If you travel by way of I-24 you pass through the "Land Between the Lakes" area which has a lot to offer, or you could spend a few days in Springfield. The Arabia Steamboat museum is in Kansas City and it is worth a day. There are plenty of choices, once you select your route.

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I won't have any problem finding places to go. Right now I'm looking at Flaming Gorge, we have wanted to boondock there for a couple years and this is our chance. And maybe three days or so in the Cheyenne/Laramie area. Looks like a lot to do around there. We generally avoid urban areas so Nashville is some place to get thru as fast as possible...heh.

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Hey Skeet!  Glad you started this thread.
I just purchased my Mini Max the other day.
I'll be housesitting and doing some 'test-runs' in my camper during Nov and December to do a run of the systems and pack/organize my belongings. How do you fit a life into 16'?? And, work full-time?
It's all fun so far with the planning. And, I do love the minimalist lifestyle.

I'm based out of Colorado for now, but will most likely change my domicile at some point.

Looking forward to learning about everyone else's plans and how you're getting the ball rolling.

(@Kirk W)
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  On 10/28/2019 at 12:44 AM, BocoGirl said:

Looking forward to learning about everyone else's plans and how you're getting the ball rolling.

Welcome to the forums!  The big gathering will be in Quartzsite, AZ with the high point of the action taking place with the "big tent" in January. If you are still around Colorado in the spring, you won't be that far from Rock Springs, WY and the 2020 Escapade. You may find it worthwhile to sign up for RVers Boot Camp just before the rally begins. 

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We just put in out reservation for the Escapade.

Someone said something on another list that made me think: "Fulltimers are not on vacation.", Meaning we don't want to rush from place to place but rather should take our time. He was commenting on someones post complaining about spending so much on fuel when they started fulltiming. So go slower burn less diesel.

So with that in mind I reworked our trip to Wyoming starting at the end of May and added 3 and 4 day stops. And I added two overnight Cracker Barrel stops and killed two CG stops. My thought right now is what do you do if you get to Cracker Barrel or Walmart at 3 PM. I'm assuming you wouldn't want to drop your RV and head out to explore. Maybe looking for a Boondocking site might be better.

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  On 10/28/2019 at 5:24 AM, agesilaus said:

My thought right now is what do you do if you get to Cracker Barrel or Walmart at 3 PM. I'm assuming you wouldn't want to drop your RV and head out to explore. Maybe looking for a Boondocking site might be better.

You go inside and eat or buy groceries. Then you came back out and catch up on computer stuff including future trip plans. Or just crash because you've been on the go so much and you are not used to that. :)

Linda Sand, Class of 2008

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  On 10/9/2019 at 11:50 AM, sandsys said:

It's up to anyone going full time in any particular year to start a thread for that class. It looks to me like you may have just started the 2020 class thread. :) If so, tell us a bit about yourself and see what happens next. Just know that some classes become more active than others and that would not be a reflection on you either good or bad. My class of 2008 felt a bit too small so we invited the class of 2009 to join us and that worked out well. There are no hard and fast rules about classes, we just find it helps to get to know people about the same stage you are in to support one another through the transition from house living to RV living.


Well put Linda

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