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Maximum 5er length?
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Maximum 5er length?

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  On 6/30/2019 at 11:59 PM, Barbaraok said:

Joe, how long has it been since you have had a speeding ticket?  $100 - you should be so lucky.  B)

Actually it has been just over 50 years since I've received one.  Got one when I was 16 and none since.  Not that I don't speed on occasion, just don't get caught all that often I guess.  It has been almost 20 years since I wrote someone a speeding ticket and back then in Illinois they were $75 plus costs.  Of course I imagine all states have different prices for the privilege of getting a speeding ticket in their state.

(@Eric H.)
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  On 6/29/2019 at 8:28 PM, Kirk W said:



Edited July 2 by Eric H.

(@Eric H.)
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Actually, I'd looked at the RVIA list as well, but it was even more confusing!  For example, the 1st line, for Alabama in the 5th Wheel column says "40' Vehicle", with a comment of "'Fifth wheel trailer' is not separately defined under maximum length provisions. 'Trailer' is not separately defined from 'Vehicle'.'.  What does that mean?  The maximum combined length is 40'?  The trailer length can only be 40'?  The additional length of the 5er over the length of the tow vehicle can only be 40'?

Why have laws that aren't enforced?  I can see very old laws, like the mentioned skirt length law, but vehicle laws are much more modern, and are updated at least once in a while.

(@Mark and Dale Bruss)
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As I said before, not one of the tables I have ever seen on length/width limits has been correct.  The only accurate sources are from each state, either from the Drivers Licence manual or more accurately the state codes. So trying to fine line reading those tables is useless.

In doing research for the HHRV Resource Guide,  http://www.hhrvresource.com , for limits on using Class 8 trucks for RV purposes, I have been in all 50 states'and the District of Columbia codes and have seen the actual definitions and limits.  

While I considered compiling my own and accurate table, I decided against it as I don't get paid for researching things for people who don't want to do the lookup them selves or just ignore laws anyways.

If you want the accurate numbers, look them up.  By law, all state codes have to be available to the public on the Internet.  And every state Department of Motor Vehicles has the Drivers license manuals online.

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OP:  The link below is directly from Arizona government, not any of those all-inclusive charts floating around the internet.  You will see that 45' is the max for a motorhome and 65' is the max for a  recreational vehicle trailer/truck combo.

In our 16 years of full-timing and traveling constantly we saw big RVs in every state.  45' is now the max. motorhome size and there are plenty of them out there.  California has a special publication of where a 45' would not be allowed to go and the roads are ones you wouldn't want to drive it on anyway.

Buy the RV that you want and you'll be just fine!


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65 feet is also max for motor home towing trailer

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I agree totally but that is pushed way beyond that.

(@Star Dreamer)
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I hope AZ does not enforce their length limits, we are picking up a  5th wheel trailer that is being built in AZ that is 46'-10" long and I am expecting when hooked up to our HDT we will be around 74' long. We will find out at the beginning of September when we pick it up if the build goes good.


(@Kirk W)
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  On 7/31/2019 at 10:58 AM, Star Dreamer said:

we are picking up a  5th wheel trailer that is being built in AZ that is 46'-10" long

What are you getting? Is it a custom build?

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  On 7/31/2019 at 10:58 AM, Star Dreamer said:

I hope AZ does not enforce their length limits, we are picking up a  5th wheel trailer that is being built in AZ that is 46'-10" long and I am expecting when hooked up to our HDT we will be around 74' long. We will find out at the beginning of September when we pick it up if the build goes good.


Dave, we have been in AZ all week, came down US-89 and are staying just off I-40.  We will be moving closer to Phoenix in a couple days and staying there several days prior to heading down and over to NM.  

We are right at 73' and have passed a couple Troopers and one or two Deputies.  Just like all the other states we have visited, if you aren't driving like an idiot they just don't pay attention to RV's length.  The only issue I have had was parking in rest areas.  Since I am slightly longer than most commercial truck-tractor-semi-trailer combinations I have to be careful they don't clip me when they pull out.

Congrats on your upcoming new unit and safe travels!

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