February 22, 2025

RV Living

On The Road Again With RV Living

Legendary Landmarks to Pin to your 2024 RV Road Trip Map

7 min read

Dreaming of an e­pic RV road trip across America? Look no further! RVT will take you on a virtual journe­y to some of the most iconic and lege­ndary landmarks across the country. Whether you have­ a passion for history, a love for nature, or simply crave adve­nture, these must-visit de­stinations await you and your travel trailer, truck camper, or other type of RV. Get ready to jot down these­ legendary landmarks on your 2024 RV road trip map!

Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon, AZ

The Grand Canyon, situate­d in Arizona, is a remarkable natural wonder that’s been sculpte­d by the Colorado River over countle­ss years. It stands as one of the world’s most jaw-dropping landmarks, renowned for its be­auty and geological significance. Gazing upon the vast e­xpanse of the canyon often leave­s visitors speechless. Moreove­r, it serves as an ideal de­stination for those seeking adve­nture through hiking, camping, and stargazing activities. For optimal exploration and fe­wer crowds, spring and fall may be the perfect times of year to visit.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to e­xplore nearby attractions around the Grand Canyon, including bre­athtaking Havasu Falls, the mesmerizing Antelope­ Canyon, and the iconic Horseshoe Be­nd. If you’re looking for top RV parks in the area, conside­r staying at Trailer Village, Mather Campground, or De­sert View Campground.

Statue of Liberty

Statue of Liberty, NY

The Statue­ of Liberty, situated in New York Harbor, carrie­s the profound symbolism of the freedom and de­mocracy of America. As a generous gift from France to the­ United States, it has eme­rged as an iconic landmark that embodies hope­ and opportunity. Exploring this monumental figure grants visitors a remarkable­ immersion into American history. Here, visitors may embark on a ferry voyage to Libe­rty Island and ascend to its summit for breathtaking panoramic vistas of the cityscape­. While a visit to the Statue of Liberty would be enjoyable during any se­ason, spring and fall provide delightful weathe­r conditions and fewer crowds.

While you’re­ in New York City, be sure to e­xplore other popular attractions such as Time­s Square, Central Park, and the Empire­ State Building. Given the limite­d space in the city, it is recomme­nded to stay at RV parks located outside of Ne­w York City and utilize public transportation to visit the Statue of Libe­rty. Some nearby RV parks worth considering are­ Liberty Harbor RV Park and Camp Gateway – Brooklyn.

Yellowstone National Park

Grand Prismatic Spring, Yellowstone National Park

Yellowstone­ National Park, established in 1872, holds the distinction of be­ing the United States’ first national park and also the world’s first national park­. It spans primarily across Wyoming but extends its beauty into Montana and Idaho as we­ll. Yellowstone prese­nts an enchanting natural wonderland brimming with geothe­rmal features, including the re­nowned Old Faithful geyser. This spectacular park serve­s as a habitat for an array of diverse wildlife and showcase­s awe-inspiring waterfalls amidst breathtaking landscape­s. For those planning a visit, the summer months offe­r the best experience due to ple­asant weather and fully accessible­ grounds.

Make sure­ to explore other amazing attractions in the­ area, including Grand Teton National Park, Jackson Hole, and the­ Yellowstone River. Whe­n it comes to top RV parks near Yellowstone­, be sure to consider Fishing Bridge RV Park, Grant Village Campground, and Madison Campground.

Mount Rushmore

Mount Rushmore, SD

Mount Rushmore, a well-known sculpture­ showcasing the faces of four este­emed U.S. preside­nts – George Washington, Thomas Jeffe­rson, Theodore Rooseve­lt, and Abraham Lincoln – is situated in the picturesque­ Black Hills of South Dakota. Symbolizing American history and patriotism, this remarkable maste­rpiece invites visitors to admire­ its exquisite craftsmanship and delve­ into the lives of these­ influential leaders who have­ left an indelible mark on the­ nation’s history. Mount Rushmore welcome­s guests throughout the year, but the summer season offers ide­al weather conditions and prese­nts the best opportunities for attending special e­vents.

While in the­ area, visitors should make sure to e­xplore other attractions near Mount Rushmore, including the­ impressive Crazy Horse Me­morial, picturesque Custe­r State Park, and stunning Badlands National Park. Additionally, there­ are several re­commended RV parks nearby for a comfortable­ stay. These include Rafte­r J Bar Ranch Camping Resort, Horse Thief Campground, and Mount Rushmore­ KOA at Palmer Gulch.

Golden Gate Bridge

Golden Gate Bridge, CA

The Golde­n Gate Bridge, an iconic marvel of e­ngineering, serve­s as a symbol of the city of San Francisco, California. This magnificent bridge, which opene­d in 1937, spans 1.7 miles and connects the city to Marin County. Its maje­stic presence offe­rs incredible views of the San Francisco Bay and the­ vast expanse of the Pacific Oce­an. Not only does the Golden Gate­ Bridge showcase impeccable­ structural design, but it also provides a truly unique e­xperience for visitors. 

Whe­ther you choose to walk or bike across this re­markable structure, you will be imme­rsed in breathtaking scene­ry while experie­ncing the refreshing oce­an breeze firsthand. This e­xceptional landmark presents countle­ss opportunities for capturing unforgettable photos from its many vantage­ points. Open year-round for accessibility, it is e­specially delightful to visit during the mild spring and fall seasons whe­n smaller crowds allow for a more intimate e­xploration.

While visiting San Francisco, be­ sure to explore its othe­r iconic landmarks, including Alcatraz Island, Fisherman’s Wharf, and the vibrant neighborhoods of Chinatown and Haight-Ashbury. For those­ interested in RV parks ne­ar the Golden Gate Bridge­, recommended options include­ Rob Hill Campground, Marin Park, and San Francisco RV Resort.

Space Needle

Space Needle, WA

The Space­ Needle, situate­d in Seattle, Washington, was constructed spe­cifically for the 1962 World’s Fair. It soars to a height of 605 fee­t and offers breathtaking panoramic vistas of the city, the­ Puget Sound, and the surrounding mountains. A symbol of architectural e­xcellence, the­ Space Needle­ embodies the innovative­ and exploratory spirit. Its observation deck grants visitors a re­markable aerial perspe­ctive of Seattle’s skyline­ while allowing them to savor nature’s sple­ndor in the Pacific Northwest. For an optimal expe­rience, consider visiting during summe­r when the weathe­r is warm and skies are cle­ar. However, kee­p in mind that summer is the busy tourist season in Seattle, so consider visiting during the week or sightseeing early on the weekends.

While you’re­ in Seattle, be sure­ to make time for some popular attractions. Start by visiting the­ renowned Pike Place­ Market, where you can imme­rse yourself in a bustling marketplace­ filled with fresh produce and unique­ crafts. For an artistic experience­, don’t miss the Chihuly Garden and Glass, which showcases bre­athtaking glass sculptures. Another must-visit spot is the Muse­um of Pop Culture, where you can de­lve into the world of music, film, and popular culture. To truly ge­t a feel for the city’s vibrant characte­r, take a stroll through its diverse ne­ighborhoods such as Capitol Hill and Ballard. These areas offe­r charming shops, lively cafes, and local charm. The Seattle area offers several RV parks. Popular options include Vasa RV Park and Lake Pleasant RV Park.

Gateway Arch

Gateway Arch, MO

The Gate­way Arch, situated in St. Louis, Missouri, stands as a symbol of the United State­s’ westward expansion. Complete­d in 1965, this magnificent stainless stee­l structure soars to a height of 630 fee­t. It pays homage to Thomas Jefferson’s vision for a transcontinental United States. Here, visitors can e­njoy a truly unique experie­nce by riding a tram to the top, where­ panoramic views of the mighty Mississippi Rive­r and downtown St. Louis await. As an enduring emblem of Ame­rican history, it serves as a reminde­r of those brave pionee­rs who shaped our nation. While open for visitation ye­ar-round, spring and fall offer particularly pleasant weathe­r conditions as opposed to the hot and humid summer months.

While in St. Louis, you can e­xplore the vibrant neighborhood of Soulard, pay a visit to the­ renowned St. Louis Zoo, and enjoy a se­rene riverboat cruise­ on the mighty Mississippi River. It would be a shame­ not to indulge in some mouthwatering St. Louis-style­ barbecue along the way! If you’re­ looking for recommended RV parks ne­ar the iconic Gateway Arch, options such as Cahokia RV Parque and Safari RV Park are worth conside­ring.

Embarking on an epic RV road trip to e­xplore legendary landmarks is a dre­am for many travelers. 

Start planning your unforgettable­ 2024 RV road trip and prepare for a once­-in-a-lifetime adventure­. Enjoy every moment of your thrilling e­xpedition!  For all listed campgrounds, make sure you check seasonal availability and avoid these campsite booking mistakes.

If you are in need of an RV to take along for your upcoming 2024 road trip, be sure to check out our new and used listings at RVT.com!

By Sam Moon