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Traveling Musician Questions

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Hello folks,

I am a performing songwriter.  My husband and I are planning a yearlong trip around the USA for his retirement. I plan to book at least one show a week while we are on the road, and it is likely that I'll be selling CD's.  Question 1:  How do I deal with sales tax in multiple states?  Can I just continue to charge FL sales tax and report to my home state?  Question 2:  I perform mostly for kids, families and seniors.  Any tips on booking gigs in campgrounds?  Thanks!  Mrs. Kate  

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Have no idea as to sales tax, others have businesses and will answer. Regarding campgrounds, for those that we go to most don't have adequate facilities to have a show unless you go to a destination campground and I am not even sure about those. I hope you have a Plan B.

You might be better off looking into local libraries. Both our ours have large rooms, with stages that do double duty as a meeting room and an auditorium. 

(@Kirk W)
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The only way that I know of would be to contact each RV park individually. It might be helpful to contact some of the park chains like Encore RV Resorts to get a series of bookings. Entertainment is not uncommon in snowbird parks but I have seldom seen it in the shorter term parks. 

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  On 6/23/2018 at 8:08 PM, TimboCarp said:

Hello folks,

I am a performing songwriter.  My husband and I are planning a yearlong trip around the USA for his retirement. I plan to book at least one show a week while we are on the road, and it is likely that I'll be selling CD's.  Question 1:  How do I deal with sales tax in multiple states?  Can I just continue to charge FL sales tax and report to my home state?  Question 2:  I perform mostly for kids, families and seniors.  Any tips on booking gigs in campgrounds?  Thanks!  Mrs. Kate  

With regard to your goal of booking at least one show per week, I doubt that will happen.  During the Winter in places like Florida, South Texas, and Arizona you might succeed.  In those places with many snowbirds collected and looking for things to do, parks may bring in talent to entertain.

However, "around the USA" it's not going to happen.  I've stayed in campgrounds and RV Parks all over the country, most of those parks will have no interest in providing entertainment and most of the travelers staying in those parks likely aren't interested.  This is just my opinion and I have no survey results or data to back it up.  For your sake, I hope I'm wrong.

Good luck, and please come back and tell us I was wrong.  ?

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 I think if you contact each state tax office they should be helpful. They should have a temporary tax for short term income.

 Such as at a state fair or other event that is only once a year for a short time.

i use to follow nascar races and do Mobil RV repair in the campgrounds near the tracks for that week. Then move to the next track and state if necessary .


 Jut a thought,.    Vern

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I have been in parks where they had entertainment, but not where anyone was paid. They might 'pass the hat' around but not always. Most would let you sell CDs afterwards. Senior parks are always open for free entertainment and usually have a clubhouse. State parks would be a hit and miss as they don't always have a place to set up. Some do have an ampatheater. Lots of luck but you have a lot of work ahead of you. 

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I am a single act doing dances in the SW in winter.  Any RV park that actually pays for entertainment will be well-booked up, often years in advance.  You may have to do the 'A' word (audition), perhaps at the swimming pool or other common area on your own time and dime and see how folks react to you.  It's how I got started.

Nobody wants to get caught booking an act that is a total mismatch to the audience.

Edited July 3, 2018 by hemsteadc


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