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Where in the US needs the most help?

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My wife and I are trying to figure out where in the US needs the most help. We are willing to spend 3-6 months on the ground helping out, and maybe more. One of my concerns is finding an RV Park that is open, operational and has a space for us.  I have sent a message to the Red Cross, Ram Nation and I'm going to contact Habbit for Umanity.  I was thinking of also stocking up on an item to hand out.   Preferably small in size as I need to store it in my 5th wheel and that has a good shelf life and temperature tolerant.  An example would be to carry thousands of Lilly pops to hand out.  Something to put a smile on there face.  Thanks for you thoughts and ideas.

Edited September 13, 2017 by rynosback

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Why don't you contact the Escapees DOVE group.They are the RV arm of the Red Cross is my understanding. 

(@Kirk W)
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I would suggest that you contact either a group like Samaritan's Purse, Salvation Army, or some disaster recovery organization and work through them, or make contact with a church or group in one of the areas to work with. We are working with a couple of groups in the greater Houston/Rockport/Baument area and I know that you can't just drive down and be allowed into those areas for security reasons. In addition, by working through them you will have liability protection if something bad should happen. 

The other possible way would be to make contact with some individual needing help and work that way. In both FL and south TX there is very little infrastructure working and what is there is limited to those who have residences or businesses in the area and you need to have some contact inside of the areas of need. 

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  On 9/13/2017 at 9:13 PM, Kirk Wood said:

I would suggest that you contact either a group like Samaritan's Purse, Salvation Army, or some disaster recovery organization and work through them, or make contact with a church or group in one of the areas to work with. We are working with a couple of groups in the greater Houston/Rockport/Baument area and I know that you can't just drive down and be allowed into those areas for security reasons. In addition, by working through them you will have liability protection if something bad should happen. 

The other possible way would be to make contact with some individual needing help and work that way. In both FL and south TX there is very little infrastructure working and what is there is limited to those who have residences or businesses in the area and you need to have some contact inside of the areas of need. 

I was planning on working with a group.  I helped out at the Houston flood two years ago with the Red Cross.  And they were tight on who could go into what areas.  And I understand why.  I'm not looking to leave today as we have commitments this week.  Plus we only travel 3ish some hours a day. So it could take days to a weekish to get to our destination.

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If you'd like to work with animals, Best Friends has a large presence in Houston rescuing animals made homeless by the hurricane and subsequent flooding and they're always in need of volunteers.  They're also working with rescue organizations in Florida.


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I've been doing this disaster response, volunteering with aid groups for 20 yrs and have worked with most of them.  So here's the way I've found it based on my own experience.

This years flood damage won't come online for the most part until next year.  There is a painfully slow process that needs to be followed.  Sure those with means will get on with it sooner but most won't.

Last years flood damage in Baton Rouge was coming online this year but a lot of the RV spots and motels will be filled up by those displaced by Harvey.  Can't speak to the prices maybe going up.

Most will be faith based groups, a number of them will provide tools.  Some may provide either free or subsidized rv parking.  Habitat is one the Fuller Group and Mennonite Disaster Services are two more.   RVCareavanners is one website to go thru.  You can check on the build list. It may have altered due to the Hurricane.

Habitat in Mandeville is one Habitat group I'd recommend.  Danielle is the volunteer co-ordinator.  Brandon Funk is the building superintendent and Craig is the site guy I've worked with.  If you check the build list you will find there are often spots available there as opposed to FT Myers.  FM provides free rv parking behind the re-store,  Mandeville you're staying at a church/rv location.  It's 14 miles from the hoses they will be on starting in October.  Cost at the church rv place is 20 bucks a nite.  For an additional 5 she will provide 3 meals a day...either 5 or 10.  The Mandeville bunch are good to work with and would be grateful for the help.

My first choice would be to help those displaced by a disaster but you need to consider, are they planning to stay??  Do they have a job to go back to?  Some may just leave and not return.

If you have questions contact me and I'll provide specifics or more info.


Edited October 25, 2018 by rdickinson

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(@Kirk W)
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  On 9/16/2017 at 1:52 PM, rdickinson said:

Most will be faith based groups,

That has been my experience also, and this is a USA Today report about that same observation. 

Faith groups provide the bulk of disaster recovery,

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We have worked with Habitat at a number of locations. Here is a link to the current build list. Not sure if it has changed. Dade City is one we have been involved with. They have their own RV sites with 50amp electric, water and sewer and a small club house for the RV Care-A-Vanners. Sites are $15/night. Another that we have worked with is Indian River in Vero Beach. They have RV sites with electric, water and sewer at the ReStore. I did not see them on the build schedule. I did hear that the ReStore was supposed to be reopening this week.

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Vero is probably the best Hab location I've volunteered out of.  They have a lounge, really good kitchen facility, fridges and freezers for volunteer use, showers and free wi-fi.  11 spots I think.  They have more but are restricted by local ordinances.  That may change due to the latest hurricane and possibly more to come.

They had 2 build locations.  One close by and the other about 12 miles north ish. 

Ricardo, the site boss, is one of the most gifted trades and patient  people I've ever met.  Work with him and you will learn a lot and how to do it properly.  This guy is good, believe me and I've been in this racket for 50 yrs.

Food and drug stores close by and for the flying buffs, the Piper Aircraft mfg facility is just south.  1/2 day tours, free and free parking.

But you are right, they have no builds posted and I was told they were not building at the moment.  Not sure why.

Take a drill driver and a service tote of tools, kneepads, gloves, eargear and your own eye protection.  They will provide most of this but I prefer my own.  Put your name on everything.  It doesn't get stolen, just borrowed and not replaced.

Also take a good attitude and a willingness to learn.  That trumps being a pro but a PITA.  Construction methods vary from one area to another, ie in areas I've worked the exteriror doors swing out, not in.  This is to prevent hurricanes from blowing the doors in.


Edited October 25, 2018 by rdickinson

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  On 9/17/2017 at 2:51 AM, rdickinson said:

..Vero is probably the best Hab location I've volunteered out of...They had 2 build locations.  One close by and the other about 12 miles north ish...Ricardo, the site boss, is one of the most gifted trades and patient  people I've ever met.  Work with him and you will learn a lot and how to do it properly.  This guy is good, believe me and I've been in this racket for 50 yrs...

I believe the build at Fellsmere (the north site you mention)  is complete. The last we heard they were building on the last of the lots that were used as the RV sites. Agree with you about Ricardo. He is a gem.

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The only down side to Fellsmere was the barking dog behind the red fence.  It barked all day and the cops did nothing about it.

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Thanks for the tips and keep them coming. 

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This should sum it up, TCW may add his slant on it.

This years hurricanes past and perhaps future may have taken their toll on Volunteers.  They may have hitched up their wagons and bolted.  Not a bad move considering the alternatives seen.  They may not come back or re register.  I'm referring to Habitat and RV Nomads.  As a result spots may have opened up all over the Gulf States.

Habitat provides free spots in Ft Myers and 4 bucks a day at Vero.  RV Nomads provides  free spots as part of their deal with the group who invites them in for the build.  Some are 30 amp, water and sewer dump on the grounds somewhere, others are 50 amps and the full meal deal.

Other groups like the Menonite Disaster Services, Samaritans Purse, Roman Catholics, Methodists, Lutherans. Jehovahs Witnesses  will all show up somewhere sometime and bring with them a lot of muscle.  Some had some RV parking on Hayne blvd south of Lakefront airport in NO., post Katrina.  Not sure of the cost if any.  That was then not now.

Aside from mucking and chucking, not much is going to happen for some time on this years homes which is sad because without AC they will bake in the heat, floors will heave and walls will warp let alone critters and bugs doing more harm.

Most work from Tuesday to Sat noon ish.  Working hrs vary from one location to another.

Some provide snacks but figure on bringing your own lunch.

The only other place that I can bring to mind is the Hab group in Mandeville and you'd be staying at Pastor Barb's place 14v miles away.  She has 50 amp, water and sewer on site.  No laundry though.  As mentioned prior, somewhere b/w 20 and 30 a day for no meals or including meals.  Not sure if she's packed with displace people.  Danielle has contact info but I think it's on their Facebook or on Caravanners build list info.

This should be enough for you to get a start on this year, which could still change as more hurricanes are in the Atlantic.

I will fly down at Xmas and Easter.  The current job if it works out pays too much for me to bale on them for 5 months.


Edited October 25, 2018 by rdickinson

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(@Mike and Claudia)
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We have Volunteered at Goose Island S.P. in Rockport, for 4 years or so.  Rockport, Texas is were Harvey went ashore.  The Mayor came out and said that 30% of the houses were totally obliterated, and that about another 30% were damaged to the extent that they would have to be torn down.  Many of the businesses were blown away also.  I have been told that many parts of town still don't have electricity or other utilities.  We have also been told that a number of the RV Parks are running, but they look nowhere close to what they had in the past.  Most of the organizations mentioned already are or have been operating there.  

We are going to Goose Island to Volunteer again in February and March.  They stated that they had sustained a great deal of damage, but that they need us to help operate the gate so that other personnel  are freed to do other tasks.  If you are interested, you might contact the Chamber of Commerce, and they can direct you to the proper people.      (361) 729-6445


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