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Diesel Cab Heater B...
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Diesel Cab Heater Brands To Pick?

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I am researching diesel fired cab heaters to use in my basement of the RV to stop water lines from freezing.  The RV is used in -15 degrees temps so this could be a very useful heater to help keep the rest of the camper warm.  My question has anyone used these if so which brand?  They appear to run on 1 gallon for about 24 hours plus some 12v draw.

  • Webasto
  • Happybug (China)
  • Superfastracing
  • Espar Airtronic D2
  • Planar
  • Others????

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I'd be buying based on dealer network. Webasto and Espar both have good coverage for parts or service. If you compulsively hoard parts, this might not affect your choice, but waiting for Amazon with a freezing forecast doesn't sound like fun. I've run both of the above, and only had issues from fuel quality. Think nozzles and filters. Bad fuel can play havoc with the spare parts inventory. 

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   Another fairly simple thing to do if your Rv has the ability is to run extra ducts into the lower  area. Many Rv gas furnaces do not use all the duct openings on the furnace.


 Also some rv's have more than on furnace. Ours has two furnaces, but I could only run one extra duct into the basement under the rear of the fifthwheel. The other thing is to partially block some heat ducts that produce more heat but is not needed as much as others.


 I have also duct heat into the storage area under the bedroom and then have a few 4" holes in the floor hidden somewhere. The first one I had two 4" openings under the bed. Then had a few 4" openings towards the front of the Rv on the side of the bed.


  The idea to get heat under the floor will make the whole Rv much more comfortable. In cold weather.


  Just a thought,    Vern



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Wallace is another diesel option.


and  Propex if you have propane


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Well, in "the old days" when I was truckin' & it was a cold night, I had an electric little heater. Power? I stole the special plug from a phone booth & spliced it in, pulled up to any phone booth for heat. 

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A customer called me one January morning. He was parked to sleep in central AB at -30c KW T660 72” Aerocab Aerodyne. His Webasto Airtop heater was holding the cab at 18c for sleeping at 1/2 throttle on the dial. His Webasto TL17 coolant heater had the ISX starting happily. We point the coolant heater exhaust at the oil pan in the winter time. 

These heaters sip fuel and DC electricity vs cold idling a $40,000 engine.

Diesel fuel has very high btu density maybe 2x propane so you need less tankage to store fuel. If you have large propane capacity the propane heaters are worth a look too.

wrknrvr showed me his basement heat system it’s pretty slick 

Heated air applied to a basement wants to rise like a bloon or leave to the outdoors so do what Vern did and seal the leaks...


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