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I didn't even know it was an accompanied assignment or had maternity facilities but that IS an interesting place to have been born.
Um, you probably weren't there in 1947; I suspect things have changed since then. I was born in the Navy hospital there but my birth certificate says Child Born Abroad of US Parents and I had to send to the Secretary of State in DC to get a copy of it.
I say I’m from the State of Confusion heading to the State of Insanity. They I tell them to just put the location of where I am and will be volunteering/working.
Linda, I never did Navy, and you do have me by three years. What a great story!
There is a difference between the question "where are you from" and "where do you live" in my mind.
I'm "from" California (twice) but I've lived and have contact or ties to a number of other places. If I were asked that question for a work camper name badge, I'd be tempted to put down the place where I had the most emotional ties to and knew the best. Right now I'd probably put down Texas as I'm a newly minted Texan, so my emotional ties are now to Texas and I can talk intelligently about Copperas Cove, having lived there happily for a few years in the 1980's. I know California best for having been born and raised there, then moved back there 30 years ago. However, I have few emotional ties left there and not sure I would want that state, that I couldn't wait to leave, on a name badge.
The answer to where I live is wherever I'm parked now. Totally different question, totally different answer.
I'll probably see if they will put something funny on it.
There is a difference between the question "where are you from" and "where do you live" in my mind.
I'm "from" California (twice) but I've lived and have contact or ties to a number of other places. If I were asked that question for a work camper name badge, I'd be tempted to put down the place where I had the most emotional ties to and knew the best. Right now I'd probably put down Texas as I'm a newly minted Texan, so my emotional ties are now to Texas and I can talk intelligently about Copperas Cove, having lived there happily for a few years in the 1980's. I know California best for having been born and raised there, then moved back there 30 years ago. However, I have few emotional ties left there and not sure I would want that state, that I couldn't wait to leave, on a name badge.
The answer to where I live is wherever I'm parked now. Totally different question, totally different answer.
To my point, I'm from Maryland, but why would I want to be from somewhere I'm fleeing!
You could say "I'm from Maryland, as far from Maryland as I can get".
You could say "I'm from Maryland, as far from Maryland as I can get".
Love it!!!!
You could say "I'm from Maryland, as far from Maryland as I can get".
Pam says that but about CA. When I left the Navy she told me that she would go anywhere with me except back to CA. That would mean a divorce.
Pam says that but about CA. When I left the Navy she told me that she would go anywhere with me except back to CA. That would mean a divorce.
Smart lady. <g>