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South Dakota Voter Registration Form Question

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(@Stormin' Norm)
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Hi folks, a small question for those full-timers that established domiciles in South Dakota (SD)... and one that I can't find clear answer to on either SD Secretary of State Voter information web page, or on Escapee's domicile guidance page (oddly).

We became full-timers just over year ago, and set up SD as our domicile state (using Escapees Box Elder mail address as "residence".) Did all the necessary stuff at that time, including Residence Affidavit, and obtained both driver's licenses and vehicle registrations. However, we deferred completing Voter Registrations at that time, and now would like to.

I used the Box Elder address as the residence address, but block 3a on form says that if residence address listed is a PO Box (or rural box, or general delivery), that I must give the location of my residence.

So... what have folks done that works? I'm inclined to write in something like "Full-time RV'ing, Residency Affidavit previously filed" or the like, but would like something more definitive...or at least as definitive as an on-line forum can be, heh. (Have separately sent inquiry to my SD party of choice e-mail address listed on Escapees main site, and awaiting reply.



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I filled out mine at the time I renewed my vehicle registration in Aug 2016. I just happened to be there in person and was not doing the renewal by mail. I asked for an absentee ballot. That was for the last election in Nov 2016 and my ballot was sent to my SD Escapees address in Box Elder. 

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It's been 3.5 years but I'm pretty sure you need to use the address that you used for your proof of residence.  In other words, the place you overnighted in to establish what SD considers is your address.  We used a campground address.  

I've been known to have CRS so hopefully someone who has recently been involved in this situation can confirm what I believe to be true.


(@$ Spot)
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  On 6/29/2019 at 11:38 AM, Stormin' Norm said:

I used the Box Elder address as the residence address, but block 3a on form says that if residence address listed is a PO Box (or rural box, or general delivery), that I must give the location of my residence.

  On 6/29/2019 at 6:56 PM, redcrzr said:

 I'm pretty sure you need to use the address that you used for your proof of residence.  In other words, the place you overnighted in to establish what SD considers is your address.  

What Red said makes sense, you have a residence on file that's on your driver's license, insurance files, IRS files, registration, etc., and it's not a P O Box or the like. That is the address that should be used, right?



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  On 6/29/2019 at 11:43 PM, $Spot said:

What Red said makes sense, you have a residence on file that's on your driver's license, insurance files, IRS files, registration, etc., and it's not a P O Box or the like. That is the address that should be used, right?

Some  SD counties used to not accept your PMB address for voter registration purposes.  Minnehaha County where Sioux Falls is located used to be one of those and required a campground or hotel receipt.  However, I think that all changed a year or so ago. At least we were able to register with no problems.

(@Stormin' Norm)
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Thank you all that responded so far. And it looks likes definitive answer is still...unknown, lol. Or at minimum, might vary by county. I guess most folks here did it so long ago, they don't recall what went into that specific block of form.

My SD license address is the Box Elder Escapees mailbox address, so that can't (or shouldn't) be correct-myself, I equate that to a P.O. box. Question is, does Pennington County also consider that a PO Box? The campground address I used for proof for Residency Affidavit makes sense, and I'm now leaning that way. 

No answer from party e-mail yet, I'll share that here if/when I get one.

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Your Escapees SD address is not a P.O. Box, which stands for Post Office Box, it is a PMB which stands for Personal Mail Box which is different and is your legal address recognized by the State of So Dakota and is listed on your drivers liscense. The campground or hotel address is just for proof that you stayed one night in the State. Just list your Escapees address on the form. If it is wrong they will let you know. 

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I believe that the above information is correct for ALL of the mail forwarding services in SD, not just Escapees' service.

(@Stormin' Norm)
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  On 6/30/2019 at 12:39 PM, Twotoes said:

Your Escapees SD address is not a P.O. Box, which stands for Post Office Box, it is a PMB which stands for Personal Mail Box which is different and is your legal address recognized by the State of So Dakota and is listed on your drivers liscense. The campground or hotel address is just for proof that you stayed one night in the State. Just list your Escapees address on the form. If it is wrong they will let you know. 

Thanks. I knew that the two are different, just uncertain if county would treat it so. But you're right, since they listed it on driver license, should be good. Accordingly, will leave Block 3a blank and see if they squawk.

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  On 7/1/2019 at 10:02 AM, Stormin' Norm said:

Thanks. I knew that the two are different, just uncertain if county would treat it so. But you're right, since they listed it on driver license, should be good. Accordingly, will leave Block 3a blank and see if they squawk.

As I said before, I encountered this problem last year when MyDakotaAddress went out of business.  For 7 years Lake County SD had had no problem with using our PMB address for voter registration purposes.  However, when we switched to YourBestAddress in Minnehaha County we, initially, were refused the right to register.  I had a phone conversation with a person in the registrar's office who told me that I would have to have a campground receipt in that county in order to register there.  Shortly thereafter, when I called back to ask some additional questions, I was told that the County had changed its policy and that the receipt was no longer required.

Contrary to what was stated in previous posts, this had nothing to do with the issue of whether or not the PMB address was provided by Escapees or anyone else.  Apparently, counties in SD have some latitude on this issue so there's no reason to expect consistency on a State level unless someone in the capital steps in.

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We ran into that small glitch, too, five years ago. We were told that we had to have a receipt, showing both of our names, to prove that we had spent a night in the State. We stayed at a beautiful State park south of Sioux Falls. When we registered to vote and showed them the receipt, they said we would be registered in Lincoln County, not Minnehaha County, as that was where the park was. We came back to Sioux Falls two weeks later and stayed at the Fairgrounds. With that receipt we were able to switch our voter registration to Minnehaha County.


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