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New texas Driver's License - Residence address

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When I see PMB or #, I tend to think apartment or box. I was concerned about identifying something like that as a single family dwelling and possibly (albeit, remotely) having it called into issue for some reason.

So yes, I was curious as to what a lawyer would say the correct answer was. I'm glad to know that those of you with experience have not had issues. I worry too much. Sorry I struck a wrong chord. 

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I never use the words PMB when someone asks for my address. I just say #xyz as if it’s an apartment number but now the Post Office has most PMB addresses in their computer database and has tagged them as a commercial address or mail forwarding service. 

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  On 9/6/2019 at 1:16 AM, MrsSquid said:

When I see PMB or #, I tend to think apartment or box. I was concerned about identifying something like that as a single family dwelling and possibly (albeit, remotely) having it called into issue for some reason.

So yes, I was curious as to what a lawyer would say the correct answer was. I'm glad to know that those of you with experience have not had issues. I worry too much. Sorry I struck a wrong chord. 

A lot of condos will use #xyz as part of their addresses, not just apartments.  In fact, in some areas apartments are converted to condos and keep the original addresses.

If you need a lawyer's advice, then don't ask for it on a forum, but make an appointment to either go in and see them or contact them by phone.   


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  On 9/6/2019 at 2:04 AM, Barbaraok said:


If you need a lawyer's advice, then don't ask for it on a forum, but make an appointment to either go in and see them or contact them by phone.   


Who tied your knickers in a knot?  Maybe she wanted to hear a lawyer's opinion and the forum members opinion both.  You're not in charge of what people can ask or not.

Incidentally, I thought that's what Escapees' lawyers were for, answering questions which come up now and then.

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  On 9/6/2019 at 2:04 AM, Barbaraok said:

A lot of condos will use #xyz as part of their addresses, not just apartments.  In fact, in some areas apartments are converted to condos and keep the original addresses.

I used to use the word "suite" when I didn't want to use apartment but now suites are often offices in a strip mall so that doesn't work as well any more.

Our current apartment is officially listed with the postal system as Unit 1234 (an example; not the real number). And the first number does not reflect the floor we are on but the "zone" our apartment is in. Delivery people go nuts trying to find the right apartment here.


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  On 9/6/2019 at 3:12 AM, chirakawa said:

Who tied your knickers in a knot?  Maybe she wanted to hear a lawyer's opinion and the forum members opinion both.  You're not in charge of what people can ask or not.

Incidentally, I thought that's what Escapees' lawyers were for, answering questions which come up now and then.

If one needs to have a lawyer's answer, then a forum is not the place to ask.  It isn't like one of the lawyers from that firm are around here every week, let alone every day.    Did I say I was in charge of anything?     And since when does this forum have lawyers?   Do they charge Escapees an hourly fee for providing services?

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  On 9/6/2019 at 3:24 AM, sandsys said:

I used to use the word "suite" when I didn't want to use apartment but now suites are often offices in a strip mall so that doesn't work as well any more.

Our current apartment is officially listed with the postal system as Unit 1234 (an example; not the real number). And the first number does not reflect the floor we are on but the "zone" our apartment is in. Delivery people go nuts trying to find the right apartment here.


In a lot of parks in Arizona (which are set up to deliver mail right to the site) the 'official' US Post Office address has LOT 1234 after the street number/name (which is one of the main streets running by the park).  Different sections of the park we stay in for the winter in Mesa, AZ have different street addresses, but with the same lot numbers!   Really drives new delivery people wild since they all have to come through the main entrance and if they don't specific either Ranchos or Fiesta, they will call asking for directions.    

I don't think a lot of people realize that the Escapees mail service zip code is unique.  

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We used Escapees mail forwarding for approx. 20 years and used for example:   777 Rainbow Dr. #7777 all on one line,  as our address.  Never a problem.

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  On 9/6/2019 at 7:37 AM, Barbaraok said:

And since when does this forum have lawyers?   Do they charge Escapees an hourly fee for providing services?

Well, it's my understanding that Shawn Loring is legal rep for Escapees.  He is a member of this forum and contributes sometimes.  I just did a forum search for his name and came up with three pages worth of results.  I think it's perfectly natural to wonder what his stance is on this issue.  Search for Loring

(@Kirk W)
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  On 9/6/2019 at 8:08 AM, chirakawa said:

Well, it's my understanding that Shawn Loring is legal rep for Escapees.  He is a member of this forum and contributes sometimes. 

Your understanding isn't quite accurate. Shawn is the CEO of Escapees organization as well as the principle of Loring & Associates, which is located on the street where you enter Rainbow's End. His parents were among the very early members of the RV club so he grew up attending Escapee events. 

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