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Beware - Bridge Tol...
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Beware - Bridge Tolls

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  On 8/18/2018 at 10:48 PM, docj said:

We, also, had a TX toll sent to us by mail; one that hadn't properly been read by the TX-Tag system.

I got a bogus one from a toll road in Tx on the same day I was buying gas in Bartlett Tn.  They had a picture  and upon checking it, obviously it was wrong.  It seems they have a problem due to temprory plates like from a dealer or paper temps before you receive your permanant plates.

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  On 8/19/2018 at 8:23 AM, bigjim said:

I got a bogus one from a toll road in Tx on the same day I was buying gas in Bartlett Tn.  They had a picture  and upon checking it, obviously it was wrong.  It seems they have a problem due to temprory plates like from a dealer or paper temps before you receive your permanant plates.

Ours was legit.  I had incorrectly entered one of my license plate numbers on my Harris County toll authority account.  Even though the system read the transponder correctly, it wouldn't bill my account because the plates didn't agree with what was on file.  So I got a bill in the mail through South Dakota where the vehicle is registered.  I never would have thought that this would have been the way the system worked.

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I am sure that SD got a cut of the toll.

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I got a bogus bill from MD once. I have never been to MD. I called them and the picture was a white Honda. I have a Class A pulling a black Jeep Wrangler. They dismissed the ticket for non payment of the toll.

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On the Mass Pike they have three rates, the cheapest E-Z Pass based in Mass, next is E-Z pass from any other state, the most expensive they take a picture of your plate and mail you a bill (3 times the Mass E-Z Pass rate).


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We went from KY to IN earlier this year. As we were planning our route we saw the toll bridge information, so planned the route AROUND the toll bridge. It probably added a few miles to the trip, but I'm guessing that we saved money overall.

I don't like driving in big cities, either in the car or in the MH + car, so we are now planning routes that avoid such places.

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i hate new laws, but need a fed one giving everyone clear notice about a up coming toll. (as in three foot tall letters, first sign one mile before and again a quarter mile before the last off ramp),   so they can get safely off before the toll rd.

we already pay rd taxes, no need to pay again to use public roads.

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Two years ago, when KY had all that construction ongoing,  new bridge wasn't even open, KYDOT had a detour sign directing me to take a exit on S I 65 from I 64 W, That detour routed me into downtown Louisville, you shoulda seen the pedestrians look at the 40'DP towing a chevy truck. It took me a half hour to get back to an interstate.

Those two I 65 bridges are on the KY side of the state border, KY sets the tolls and controls the bridges. jp suggested a good alternative, it perhaps adds 20 miles vs staying on I 65. In a few years KY and IN will have the bypass on the East side( I 264) completed,  it also is expected to be a toll bridge across the Ohio river. I wonder if the proposal by the previous president to make all interstates toll roads is taking root at the state level?

Edited December 30, 2018 by Ray,IN

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  On 8/18/2018 at 10:48 PM, docj said:

SD doesn't share vehicle information relating to automated speed violations and such automated devices are illegal in the State.  

We, also, had a TX toll sent to us by mail; one that hadn't properly been read by the TX-Tag system.

That would be good news as I think a speed camera got me in MD a couple of months ago in my toad.

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  On 8/17/2018 at 6:15 AM, Red Crewzer said:

BEWARE!!!!!!!!!!!  We crossed the new bridge from Kentucky into Indiana in June and low and behold it is a toll bridge with NO toll booths, just a camera taking pictures and then they send you a bill.  It is all electronic.  Did not see any signs telling you about the toll ( may have not seen it as we were busy watching traffic ).  We have no choice but to drive across as it is the only way to get from Kentucky into Indiana.  Not sure if the bridge going south is toll or not.  New bridge makes the two separate bridges one way traffic.  Probably will try to avoid this area in the future, if that is possible.  There loss.

I just have avoid tolls in my Garmin Dezl.  

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