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Recommendations for remote temp montiroing via celluar connection?

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I am going to start researching a simple temp monitor to install in the coach.  Temp sensor to connect via Wi-Fi to our on board wireless network, and then be able to check temps via our cell phones while away from the coach.

Even better if the wireless temp sensor is programmable to send alerts (email and/or text) at set points for high temp. Purpose: in case power goes out in hot weather, get alerts to protect pets on board from overheating (by returning to the coach).  No desire to change thermostat set point while away from coach. 

Anyone already done the research?


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We just set out generator to auto-start. Works fine the one time it was needed.

If you have a rig without a generator, another story.

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I have never given it much consideration in the application you are talking about. I did briefly consider doing something similar for our home when we were traveling. You might find this article will help you out.

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We used an Acurite Internet connected hub and multiple sensor setup in our coach to monitor temps for our dog when we were away for several hours. Our dog has passed on, and now we use the same setup to monitor the inside and outside temps at our Adirondack cottage during the winter. We have alerts set for low and high temps, as well as low sensor batteries and loss of signals. The temp alerts are set to text us, with the less critical battery and LOS alerts emailed. We can also check the temps at anytime using an app on our phones. The complete system with 3 sensors is about $149.

Edited May 28, 2018 by Dutch_12078

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If you're comfortable with DIY, you can get a Raspberry Pi Zero W and hook a DS18B20 temperature sensor to it.  I haven't set up alerts yet, but I have a little script that polls the temperature sensor every minute and submits the data to Amazon Cloudwatch, which then feeds a free Grafana dashboard.  Not exactly plug'n'play (some soldering and scripting involved), but minimal power draw (<1W), about $45 total, and pretty flexible.  I'll probably swap out the temp sensor for a combined temp+humidity sensor, or maybe just add it on so one watches the battery temperatures or something.

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Thanks for the suggestions. We have been traveling and working other issues but will begin looking into the solutions recommended. 

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I wanted a device to monitor temp in camper when my husband and i leave dogs. I purchased RVPet Safety monitor that alerts phone, email, text. Was a less expensive option. Can set up what works for you. You can pay  for a month or yr. Since I am not full time I start for a month when we vacation and stop when we get home.  This system is TERRiBLE due to poor instructions, ecah time I unplug i need to reset but there is no written instructions and takes forever fto get an answer from company.

So i than purchased the more expensive Marcell system. This monitor plugs into electric with battery back up, monitors temp, humidity and can be set with high and low parameters. Again i can pay for a month or a yr. I used it this month for a week and worked great, when i set it up on my home computer than moved to camper i received alert on my phone and was able to cancel alert, same as when i brought monitor from camper to home. The unit comes with written instructions.

Hope this helps.


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I too have been looking for a remote monitoring system for the RV as we sometimes leave our dog behind.

I have read about the Homeminder by Minder Research but the independent reviews were a bit negative. Does anybody have one of these that could share some opinions?

Also have seen some information about the Temp Stick and also the Nimble but haven't formed any conclusions in case somebody has any opinions on these too.

This  becomes a more important topic as we get into the summer months.


Edited July 6, 2018 by Tucsontech

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We purchased the Temp Stick for this exact application.  Even plugged in at a campground with the AC on and thermostat set we'd get nervous about a system failure while we're away in high Midwestern heat (100+) with 180 lbs of black lab mix in the rig (100lb great Pyrenees/lab and 80lb golden/lab) .  So far this has been a great solution for us.  We have a wireless router in the rig that we run everything off of and connect it to either campground wifi, mobile hotspot, or phone hotspot for internet service.  We can check it at any time and you can set email and txt alerts based on any temperature thresholds you like... very customizable.  I would recommend this solution even if it is a little pricey.  

A plus note, it uses very little data because it only "wakes up" from a wifi perspective when it's either out of tolerance or every X minutes you supply... just make sure you place it at "dog height" as opposed to near the ceiling or in the path of sunlight or you'll get false warnings (and minor heart attacks)

(@jessica thomas)
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  On 5/28/2018 at 9:58 AM, AC7880 said:

I am going to start researching a simple temp monitor to install in the coach.  Temp sensor to connect via Wi-Fi to our on board wireless network, and then be able to check temps via our cell phones while away from the coach.

Even better if the wireless temp sensor is programmable to send alerts (email and/or text) at set points for high temp. Purpose: in case power goes out in hot weather, get alerts to protect pets on board from overheating (by returning to the coach).  No desire to change thermostat set point while away from coach. 

Anyone already done the research?


I really don't know about it but some had suggested me a pet temperature monitor from rvpetsafety. I think it may use for your research.

Edited February 25 by jessica thomas

(@jessica thomas)
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I have used RV PetSafety's  new device which works on Verizon cellular network, they seems to be nice

(@Seon Doanae)
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  On 4/24/2019 at 1:36 PM, jessica thomas said:

I have used RV PetSafety's  new device which works on Verizon cellular network, they seems to be nice

Hi Jessica, may I know how long you were using that product? And can you brief about that product?


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