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question about coyo...
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question about coyotes

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I'm a new RVer and will be traveling with 2 chihuahuas. We walk everyday and I'm afraid of coyotes. As we will soon be in desert areas I would appreciate some advice. Will my pups be safe on leash while I am walking them? Do you think coyotes would attack if I would be sitting with them outside. And if so, what can I use for protection?

This is really bothering me. Thank you for any advice.



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I would not leave them unattended outside, but you should be fine. Coyotes tend to keep their distance from human scent. Even out hunting and leave a gut pile.. the coyotes will give it a while for the human scent to dissipate before they will approach it.


By way of protection... (I know some won't like this much) it's never a bad idea to at least carry a small .22 pistol when you're out in the sticks. The sound alone will scare off most critters... and if you're out in the desert it's pretty handy for snakes as well.

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Although we have occasionally seen coyotes when out walking with our two dogs, they always stay far away from us. As long as you keep your dogs on a leash when walking them and you are always outside with them when at the RV, you should never have a problem with coyotes (you will, of course, keep your dogs contained in some manner when outside at the RV...either on a leash or an outdoor cage...don't let them run around loose).

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Your pups are not safe. I have seen small dogs & cats in the mouth of a coyote being taken into the brush here where we live in AZ. They have jumped our wall and hauled off chickens. Don't leave them unattended. Even then if the coyotes are around homes or a town they will not be scared of you. I have threw rocks at them and they would only move out of range. They will stop and watch you for the moment you let down your guard. I agree with the .22 but use snake shot. It will sting but will not kill and should there be homes or RVs in the area you will not put anyone at risk. Also we have had Bobcats try to get in the house jumping at the windows to haul off our cats. We lucked out all three times as they didn't make it in. Now we never leave a window open more than a fist width unless the window has bars. Funny, we barred a couple of windows & doors to keep the critters out, not people. So Bobcats can be a problems depending where you are.


rocmoc n AZ/Mexico

Edited December 4, 2014 by mocroc

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Coyotes can be a problem anywhere in the country, not just out in desert areas. They are great adapters and have become very well adjusted urban survivors. We had a couple trot through the Coach Care facility in Elkhart, Indiana one Sunday morning just as bold as can be. Keep your pets on a leash and you should be fine.



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25-06 will deal with them as far away as you can see them.... 22-250 if you want to harvest pelts.

22 Hornet or 17 HMR if you like to call them in close...



(@Dog Folks)
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For what it is worth: Coyotes have snatched small dogs right off the end of a leash in SW Florida.


When walking do not use a long leash.

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Coyotes are becoming a problem here on Mustang Island too. However both Corpus Christi and Port Aransas have laws against discharging firearms within city limits(both cities have jurisdiction over parts of Mustang Island). So be sure you know the local laws regarding carry and discharge of firearms if you decide to go that route. Best Wishes, Jay

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I hesitate to comment here, but just can't help myself. By now, I suspect the OP is scared to death to go RVing, for fear they will be attacked relentlessly by wild animals. It appears that the more populated areas have "braver" coyotes. They sure don't bother us out here in the boonies. I would not recommend Florida for sure. You can troll for coyotes with dogs on a leash there, LOL. Bobcats jumping through windows? OK, but how often does that happen in more than one place. People and pets also get struck by lightning, occasionally. Simplepleasures, I would recommend you go to the desert and enjoy yourself. Don't leave pets unattended, but don't be in fear of attacks by animals. It just doesn't happen that often.IMHO

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For small animals, be wary of eagles as well

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  On 12/5/2014 at 2:30 AM, mopips said:

I hesitate to comment here, but just can't help myself. By now, I suspect the OP is scared to death to go RVing, for fear they will be attacked relentlessly by wild animals. It appears that the more populated areas have "braver" coyotes. They sure don't bother us out here in the boonies. I would not recommend Florida for sure. You can troll for coyotes with dogs on a leash there, LOL. Bobcats jumping through windows? OK, but how often does that happen in more than one place. People and pets also get struck by lightning, occasionally. Simplepleasures, I would recommend you go to the desert and enjoy yourself. Don't leave pets unattended, but don't be in fear of attacks by animals. It just doesn't happen that often.IMHO



Even though there are a lot of yappy dogs that are best used for coyote bait... It just isn't a problem, at least for us, and we have lived solidly in "coyote country" for 60 + years.... :rolleyes:



Edited December 5, 2014 by Dave & Renee

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and lions and tigers and bears, oh my!


Seriously, if this were that big an issue then no one with small dogs would ever visit the Southwest desert. Could it happen? Sure. Does it happen? Almost never. Coyotes are primarily nocturnal and do most of their hunting then. They have learned that humans are to be avoided and they keep their distance.


I grew up in Arizona and have spent many months boondocking in desert areas. I've seen coyotes and heard a lot more than I've seen. Have I ever had one approach me or anyone else I know, regardless of whether or not we had a dog with us? No. Do I know of anyone who has? No. This is another one of those scary stories with no merit that gets passed around. Just don't tie Fifi outside overnight and you will be fine.

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Coyotes can be as bold as brass. I had 3 walk up on me and my dogs several years ago but then again farm dogs don't brook insolence from coyotes. Still it was scary to be sitting there and look to see them only a 100ft or so away. Don't let your dogs chase coyotes and make sure thy have a good recall or standdown if they are off leash when hunting. Might save you an expensive vet bill.

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Coyotes are a problem if you leave your pet outside or on a long leash. Probably worse if your dog is at the end of the leash barking madly at the coyote. A coyote is a smart little beast and a single one is often not really single but a scout for a larger pack that will be called to join it if food is found.


I haven't seen any coyote attacks on people but they are more wary that afraid of you and as was said will hover at a distance they feel safe until they get a chance to run in and snatch some food. How aggressive they are depends mostly on how hungry they are and a hungry one will take a lot more of a risk to eat.


Don't leave food or water outside unattended, keep your dog close and don't go out for a walk in the desert at prime hunting times (dawn and dusk) and you should be fine.


Talking to your neighbors is also a good idea, we stayed at an RV park in Arizona that was on a coyote route from the nearby hills to the county dump. Knowing that there would be several large packs of coyotes moving through and planning walks to avoid them was a good idea. Folks would sit outside and watch the coyotes cruise through the park checking for fine dining opportunities on their way to and from the dump. Folks that ignored the advice lost pets every year which was sad and preventable. Folks that took the minimal precautions never had a problem.


Shooting a coyote is harder than it sounds, they are small fast and hard to hit so if you aren't an expert shot you risk missing and hitting something else. Sprays are safer but again the coyote isn't going to walk up and beg to get sprayed so some skill on your part is going to be needed and you'll likely get yourself and your dog in the process.

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It's good to be aware of coyotes, bobcats, eagles, snakes, etc. - oh, and don't forget about javalinas, but to be overly concerned as to not to want to go outside is ridiculous. Just about every house in the desert areas owns a dog and walks their dogs.


The same critters are all across the country, not just in desert areas. Think about it. How often have you heard of an occurrence anywhere in the country? Yes, it 'could' happen but I would guess there to be more dogs killed by a vehicle than an animal.


Carrying a gun to protect you? Ridiculous. It's not necessary to become so paranoid.


Just keep them on a short leash and they will be just fine.

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