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Just Some Thoughts If You Going To Get A Dog

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(@Kirk W)
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We once met a couple (Escapee members) who travel with 3 mcaws.  

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We have an American Staffordshire that is a cuddler and loves people, with no aggression to anything.  But he's also considered a vicious killer by some park rules.  It's been a challenge.  We didn't choose him for breed, he was a rescue and was thought to be something else, then we did a DNA test.


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  On 7/5/2019 at 9:29 PM, Kirk W said:

,We once met a couple (Escapee members) who travel with 3 mcaws.  

One of the noisiest pets we every camped next to was a Cockatoo. The owner worked. If she was late coming home or went out at night it would make noises that could wake the dead. If you think a barking dog is annoying, you should hear a screeching/screaming parrot.

Edited July 9 by trailertraveler

(@$ Spot)
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  On 7/5/2019 at 6:04 AM, Carolaow said:

  They were lovely creatures and very well behaved.  Stayed outside and, even when the family was away from the site having fun, the chickens stayed close to their RV, toodling around, clucking a soft song

That's how it was with the small flock I once had :)


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and to think my 90 pound lovable ball of fur, molly would have been banned by some of these rules.

she loved everybody, and believed everybody was coming to her door to sat hi to her. and she was very well behaved, and responded to voice and hand signals.

but cause of her weight, (a bit on the heavy side),  build, (like a tiger tank),  and looked like a purebred rott. (till you saw her tung).

i have been bitten many a time by those little rat dogs, (yes i know spelling, spell check does not help here). why are they not on the list of aggressive dogs?

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The reason they have these rules is that their are irresponsible owners that give them no choice.  I encountered a woman with two dogs this week, one a known aggressive breed of probably 60 lbs and I had my two seniors with me on leashes.  She could barely restrain her the aggressive breed who most likely "wanted" my 2 dogs.  Luckily, they were breaking down to pull out.  Aggressive dogs of any size are often expelled from many parks, good ones, at least.   With both dogs with me, I can only pray that we don't have an issue.  Larger dogs do more damage and cost insurance companies more when they attack.  The likelihood of being mauled to death by a small breed?  When someone wants to pet our dogs "Does your dog bite?", I answer "They could." as they have teeth, heck, I could bite too!   Acquaintances pet the dogs, but strangers need to get their own or go to the shelter to help out!  The owner recently evicted based on owners not picking up after their dogs, and another one was on the eve of it before they left angry.

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  On 7/5/2019 at 9:29 PM, Kirk W said:

We once met a couple (Escapee members) who travel with 3 mcaws.  

That's awesome!  I would love to meet them!  We travel around sometimes with an old cockatiel but he is getting old and cantankerous... LOL

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  On 7/2/2019 at 12:39 AM, Bigthinkers said:

We have a Lab, and while she's the sweetest dog you could hope to meet,

We used to have a lab and totally agree with your statement.  Sweetest dog a person could ever be owned by.  Loving, obedient and would never hurt anyone.  Miss him....

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