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Full-Timing with Ca...
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Full-Timing with Cats

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In 10 years we've never been charged for Kitty, but when asked we tell them we have a cat.  I like the manager to know she's in here in case of some emergency.

It rarely happens, but sometimes power goes out in our park on high-demand days when it's super hot.  If we're away from the rig, I'd like a call if that happens.  Yesterday (June 8), it was 90 degrees at 8 pm INSIDE the fiver after towing all day through south Texas.  It could be that and more in no time if the electricity goes out mid-day here at the border in the summer.  If I can't get back quickly to rescue Kitty,  the manager knows how to get her out.  Our pet sitter also lives onsite and knows the emergency plan.

Just something to think about when deciding whether or not to tell management that you have a cat in the rig.

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We have a MH and set our generator to AUTO so if there is a power failure the generator will come on.

(@Kirk W)
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  On 6/9/2018 at 4:47 AM, rocksbride said:

In 10 years we've never been charged for Kitty, but when asked we tell them we have a cat.  I like the manager to know she's in here in case of some emergency.


Never having traveled with a cat, I never really gave it a lot of thought, but telling a park that you have one does seem like the honest and ethical thing to do even if yours is never outside, especially if the park has a  stated pet policy. I suspect that most pet fees in parks really mean dogs, but telling them or not is an individual thing. I know one couple who travel with 2 McCaws in the RV and even a paraquet would be a pet by strict definition. Since some cats are now leash trained, I would think that the same rules would apply to such cats as to dogs, but I'd bet there is no single answer. 

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  On 6/9/2018 at 4:50 AM, SWharton said:

We have a MH and set our generator to AUTO so if there is a power failure the generator will come on.

What do you know?  My husband said we could do that with ours, too!  Does it turn itself off when the power comes back on?

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Ours did but I am not sure if the is an option or not. We didn't program the generator to turn on so it may be hard wired. We tested ours to see what would happen.

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