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Dog License

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We are full time using our Escapees mail address as our permanent address, but mainly stay in Houston for the winter, and Ohio for the summer.

We are going to be getting a dog and wonder what others with similar situations do about licensing their dog, or just don’t don’t?

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I rescued my dog before I went full time and got her dog licence in my home town. I make sure her vacinations are up to date as I travel but I don't have a current updated dog license. The licence is just to make sure that shots are up to date so as long as I am within the intent of the law and not the letter of the law I am good with it.

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Compliance with dog licenses is marginal everywhere I've lived.  Never bought a license for any of my dogs and never been asked for one.  Some locations don't even have dog licenses.  I would only worry when in Polk County (your domicile), if it has a dog license.  Otherwise, when outside the County, there shouldn't be an issue once you show that you are not a resident of the county.  

As mentioned, keeping vaccinations current is what you should worry about.  Make sure you have those records in the RV and it's usually good to just have that rabies tag on their collar.

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We never licensed our dog when we were fulltimers.  Now that we have a sticks & bricks, we do license our dogs. 

However, the licence is not connected to any vaccinations...at least where we live.  Which is good since we do not vaccinate our dogs each year.  After their puppy shots, we have titers done every 3 years.  We won't have them vaccinated again until, or unless, the titers are low.


Edited July 10, 2018 by LindaH

(@Kirk W)
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We never licensed our dog but did make sure that her shots were all current and that we had a current health record from her vet and that it included her photo on it as well as her chip number. We have used that crossing the border to Canada on several occasions and also once or twice in RV parks. She always has her current rabies tag attached to her collar also and it has our cell phone number on the back.

We never did get her a dog license from Polk County but probably it would be the legal thing to do as if she were to stray and be picked up somewhere that license would probably make her legal. You can get the form for a Polk County Dog License from this link. 

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  On 7/9/2018 at 10:58 PM, tktoth said:

We are full time using our Escapees mail address as our permanent address, but mainly stay in Houston for the winter, and Ohio for the summer.

We are going to be getting a dog and wonder what others with similar situations do about licensing their dog, or just don’t don’t?

As has been said, dog licenses are a local issue. Many municipalities and counties require a dog license if the dog is in their jurisdiction for more than a specific length of time. The longer you stay in an area, the greater the chance that you may be asked for license. As mentioned, if your dog gets loose or there is an incident where animal control becomes involved; you may be asked for the current license if there is a requirement for one.

We have lived in communities where animal control does neighborhood surveys. They have a list of who purchased licenses and check that against properties where they see or see evidence of a dog. I have hunting dogs. Some states require that dogs in the field be licensed and vaccinated for rabies. I have had Game Wardens ask me for the dogs' licenses and proof of vaccination.

Veterinarians in some states that require proof of rabies vaccination do not issue rabies tags as the dog license is proof of vaccination. I always carry a copy of the rabies certificate where ever I take the dogs. The license tag is on their collar.

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Thanks for all the responses!

We will plan to properly vaccinate, document, and tag the dog since any trip to Polk County is a couple of days at the most.

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in all my years. and decades or having a dog. never been asked for anything about them by any leo or dog catcher, other .

but the license could only be obtained after proving rabies shots.  in some ares it is also wise to get a snake shot as well. sad only good for dogs not humans.

i tried to alwasy keep up on there shots and health, never carried any paperwork to prove it. but how i kept my dogs kinda went as proof that i kept them well.  but then there is always a barney out there to wreck your day just so he can be your better.

be safe travel under blue skys. and love your pets. try to be at least 1/2 of what they think of you.

(@RV Hooligans)
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Just went to the license link.....& discovered there's a Polk County in Oregon too.  lol

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Wow...a dog license!!

What will they think of next...cat license?? Hamster license?? Goldfish license??

To follow up on previous comments....the dog is legally part of YOU. Get shots, keep them under control, etc. etc.

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When full timing we didn't license our dogs. In our S & B's I always do because it helps support the dog catchers and local  shelters. I totally support their thankless jobs and will do whatever I can to help them.

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I'm past owning dogs. But always had licenses and rabies shot. I found a property tax bill in my father's house, 1921, it included a line item of $1 for a dog. 

(@Kirk W)
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  On 9/17/2018 at 8:17 AM, Vladimir said:

Wow...a dog license!!

What will they think of next...cat license?? Hamster license?? Goldfish license??

Actually, I know that in some communities it is a pet license and if the city animal control picks up a pet it must have a license as part of owner retrieval. I do know someone who had that experience when their cat was picked up. If you ever allow that goldfish outside when not on a leash you probably should license it. Not sure about the rabies shots though... ?


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