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First time I have seen diesel cheaper than gas. The link is to another forum that I can easily post images on.
Haha, I haven't seen those prices in CA yet, but several times last year I was able to get diesel for at or below the price of regular.
Yesterday saw diesel at $1.99 gallon near Atlanta, GA. So much for our oil stocks!
Safe Travels!
I saw in in Lindale, TX this evening for $1.79 and gasoline was at $1.61.
in SW Fla Gas @ $1.79 - 1.83 Diesel $1.97 - 2.05 . loving every drop of it now. an at moment oil @ $29.50 barrel . heading to 25 soon.
Bought diesel in Chattanooga yesterday for $1.659 @ Walmart.
Sub $2 diesel has hit CA! Just filled up at the Arco in lost Hills for $1.86 cash on the way to death valley. Also saw another Arco on the way that was changing it's sign to the same price. Must have been recent since the other gas stations next to the Arco were at 3.46 and 2.45 respectively. Takes a little bit of the sting off getting laid off on Wednesday. Just a bit. 🙂
Too bad the lower gas and diesel prices are so related to the collapse of the stock market. Save some small change money on fuel and lose thousands in the market.
Safe Travels!
$1.47 tonight in NJ. But with huge variation up to as much as $1.69. Oil isn't the only reason the market is tanking. China for example is a mess.
It use to be common that diesel was cheaper than gas... until I bought my first diesel truck . Here's looking forward to a few years of more sensible fuel prices.
It use to be common that diesel was cheaper than gas... until I bought my first diesel truck
. Here's looking forward to a few years of more sensible fuel prices.
I think that "they" were just waiting for people to buy diesels and then get us! We do seem to have cheap fuel for a while but is it enough to offset what is happening to the investment world due to the oversupply of oil in the world?
Remember many moons ago back in the UK, when they encouraged us all to convert over to the noisy diesel autos by lowering the price substantially below petrol - fortunately we've never been ones to accept change rapidly with anything. Within a couple of years or so, as soon as a large percentage of them on the roads, upped the price of diesel hugely.
For the pain and emotional damage I'm seeing caused in our province, never mind the stock market, I'd gladly be paying more at the pumps right now personally if it meant many could get back to work and stability in our Real Estate Market would return. So many have migrated back east there's no one to rent or sell to - and we're the lucky ones. Those up at Fort McMoney and Grand Prairie are abandoning their homes.
We paid $1.86 for diesel in McAllen, TX last Friday. Anything under $2.00 works for me. Hugs, Di
Hope it stays that way for awhile as we have extensive travel planned this summer our trip to out winter residence in Florida saved us a great deal in diesel.