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K12 home school pro...
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K12 home school program

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Anyone using the k12 as their home schooling for their kiddos?

I notice families doing homeschooling but looks like it is the tradition way.

If using k12 will you shoot me your opinions?


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It is not homeschooling in the usual meaning of the word. K12 is an online PUBLIC SCHOOL. As such, you are considered a public school student when you enroll, and you are subjected to all the regulations. schedules, and scopes and sequences of the public school system. In short, you lose all your autonomy.


Definitely not my cup of tea, but it works for some people.

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PS - I really think it's disingenuous for these types on online public schools to call themselves "homeschool programs". They're not, plain and simple. They are online public schools.

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We home school our 10 year old and use time 4 Learning. We've been happy with it:

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We've utilized K12 for the last few months and we love it. It's not "unschooling" by any means....but it presents the material in several different formats which really seems to help our 9 year old daughter.

I would like to point out that I know a number of others utilizing it and none of them are subject to the same regulations. schedules, and scopes and sequences of the public school system as mentioned. Now in our county, if we were wanting K12 for free, then yes, the students are tested and follow the normal school year.....but as we opted to pay for K12 ourselves, we can mix and match classes and/or grades and follow any schedule we want, we can add to the curriculum or skip parts if we choose, and are not required to take the standardized tests.


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