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Class A RV and Car Seats

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Doing research on Car Seats and Class A RVs. The outlook is grim! Most say to NEVER place a toddler car seat in a Class A motorhome as they say it's unsafe not only because most, if not all, Class A motorhomes do not have the LATCH system installed, and the fact that most seat belts in the dinette are more or less for looks and not fit for car seats because they're not bolted to the chassis. 

So, what are my options? Am I forced to buy a fifth wheel and travel with the car seat in a truck? Anyone else have experience with car seats installed in a Class A motorhome with good safety records?

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and to think we used to climb aboard a pu truck with NO restrains in the bed holding up to 15 or so of us. at freeway speeds.

this nanny state hurts more than it helps.

infant car seats, 

toddler car seats.

booster seats.

kids just small, must be in a "special" seat.

enough is enough.

now with that said.....

sure car seats can save a life...maybe.


put away your flame throwers.


but i believe as long as your baby's seat is a quality unit and soundly secured (bolted with large dia washers) to any solid point under the seat in a motor home, truck, car, etc. i do not see a need to have it bolted to the frame. heck in bad accidents the body of a motor-home (and trailer rv) do come off the frames. and self destruct. most accidents are of the minor so i say do what you believe your need for your peace of mind. (pending nanny laws)

as like here in ca every year or two one needs to buy a new one as the what was nanny approved last year. is now a crime to use this year. i have no kids just see this in the news all the time.

yes i have done some "study's"  just reading other peoples study's, about the dynamic involved in even a slower speed accident.

some years back a fool hit me head-on he was doing 100mph. so i kinda have this life interest in such things.

and yes we do owe ourselves, and our loved ones the best we can do to help keep them from getting hurt.

so go out drop the $600.usd for a new fanged improved deluxe seat. never buy old from the discount store. as the new and improved should provide a bit more comfort. and maybe better safety.  99.999999% of the time it will just be a uneventful drive. so best to keep the little ones comfortable.

as to laws stating what to or not to do in a motor-home. i have not seen any..need to find out.

as to anchors. not sure where you live. or your capability. but you can buy the web strap mtr and locks at places around the country. just do not buy the el-cheap-o trash. buy quality here. and you can build up the anchors as needed.

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O and as a side note.  ---most likely not nanny approved---- but ok for truck drivers.

as a commercial driver i used to do team runs. the bunk in the back had this "spider web: thingy to help keep us in bed during a accident.

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Grim is a good way to describe what you will find when you search "Car seat in an RV"...just people telling you why you shouldn't/can't.  We have traveled thousands of miles with our 2yo in a car seat on the couch.  We haven't had an accident so can't speak to the safety of that set up in an accident.  I do tend to travel slower (and when we are going up a mountain pass MUCH slower) than I would in another vehicle so, by my estimation, that makes it about even.  Like others have said, you have to decide what your risk tolerance is and make the right decision for you.  You can stay at home and keep your child very safe until they fall down the stairs, grab a knife, etc.  May as well see the world while managing the risk to the best of your ability given your situation.  Strap them in tight to a car seat in the best location you can find.  Think about what will fly forward in the event of an accident and plan around that as best as you can and get busy traveling.

(@Kirk W)
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  On 12/10/2019 at 9:49 PM, jpcoll01 said:

Like others have said, you have to decide what your risk tolerance is and make the right decision for you. 

I agree with you. It is very difficult to accurately rate the safety of RVs because there seems to be no reputable organization that keeps solid data on such things. There are two articles that address the safety issue of them with very little bias, that I am aware of. 

Consumer Reports, Beginner's Guide to Motorhomes and to some extent the RV Consumer Group's RV Types.


(@Lou Schneider)
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There's not much use in securing a child's car seat to the frame of a motorhome when the coach body itself disintegrates in a major crash.

Edited December 11 by Lou Schneider

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