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sand, sand, and mor...
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sand, sand, and more sand

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 We looked at a lease site so we don't have to fight to get in the state parks. These sites were dirt. Actually clay. Did not drain very well. After the flood came through now they are all sand. 6 to 8 inches of sand to be exact. Took care of the mud problem but now we have all sand. Not a big deal except we have two boys ages 5 and 8. Everyone with kids knows exactly where this is headed.

This is the first year the place is open. Sites are just roughed in at this point. Actually there are no hookups yet. I am equipped to boondock so no problem.  I just need ideas of something to put down outside the camper as a "clean area"  A place to knock the sand off and clean up before going in the camper.  Future plans are to have a patio but I don't want to build anything until all the utility's are in.

I know a lot of you camp at the beach in the sand. Give me some Ideas. The rv rugs that let the sand go through are so expensive but that might have to be the way we go. Do they actually work?

There is a huge negative not having grass but..With the flooding in Nebraska most parks in my area are going to be limited access or closed all together. Also we are getting in on the ground floor so to speak. If I pass it up this year I'm afraid it will fill up and I will never get in later. Its only 12 miles from home. The price is VERY reasonable with power included once they get it ran. The main box is in they just have to run it to each site. And we love to cat fish and get in the canoes.  We are just going to have to deal with the sand.



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We had a similar problem at  our winter place in Phoenix but it was desert sand, not fine sand. We bought an RV rug for other reasons and put it out this winter. Worked great. Significantly reduced the amount tracked inside and we don't take off our shoes which is the other solution. Make sure you stake the rug down, they blow fairly easily.

Looks like a good location but I would worry about flooding which you say has happened before. Having to pack up in a hurry and leave is no fun.

Hope you have some guarantees that they will be finishing the place up in a timely fashion and not just as a boondocking place.

(@Kirk W)
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  On 4/6/2019 at 8:58 PM, jenandjon said:

This is the first year the place is open.

Do you mind sharing where you are located? I suspect that eventually, you may have grass back again. We don't park on the beach but we have stayed in places like much of Florida where most everything is sand and we used one of the awning mats for years and find that it works pretty well but the brand we have doesn't seem to be available now as we got it back in 2000. It was a Patti-O-Mat.

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Where in NE are you? My son lives in Omaha and I am heading there next month. What is the name of the park you are in?

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An expensive outdoor mat is cheap compared to the wear and tear on everything inside your rig. As we all know, kids climb on furniture wearing shoes full of sand which then gets ground into the fabric. Unless you basically want to sandblast your entire rig, buy a good outdoor rug.


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The RV rugs are cheap and work very well for sand and dirt.  I wouldn't camp without it.  I think it was around $40 for a 9x12 at Walmart.

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I carry one of these just in case we park where shoes need to be cleaned off outside.


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The place borders Wisner River Park in Wisner Nebraska. Its so new it don't have a name yet. The only reason I knew about it is the owner and I have several mutual friends. They got me in.

An outdoor rug will be must. Another friend suggested screwing deck boards to pallets. Then they could easily be moved around if need be. Just until the utilities are in and something more permanent can be put in.

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I would build a ground deck.  Decide how large of a square you want it and lay out a level area.  Start with treated 2x4s right on the sand, decking boards screwed on top of those.  A small mat to wipe feet prior to actually entering the RV and you should be good to go for awhile.

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FL-JOE's idea is the best & space the decking boards so excess sand will fall through the cracks although you'll still have to do some sweeping.  A small wooden platform will help greatly when it rains, too. 

Not even a good 'RV' outdoor carpet will keep sand out of your RV. Plus, it still needs to be swept off as not all of it will filter through. A lot of the sand will move over the edges when walked on. In rain you'll have puddles of water and sand. You have a LOT of fine sand!  It's amazing that it was once mud.  That looks like Florida beach sand.

I would also get in the habit of taking sandy/muddy shoes off when entering the RV.  Once inside you could switch to inside shoes.  We always did this.  It saves a lot of sand, mud and even road dirt from coming inside.

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Another bad thing about using a fastened down RV ground mat over sand is that when it is windy you will start getting sand built up over the mat, almost like blowing snow.


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