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I have glass shower stall doors and they get spots and soap scum quickly. Would Rainex help prevent this? Would that be harmful to the holding tank?
That sounds like one heck of an idea. I can't say for certain, but I would have a hard time seeing Rain X being any more harmful than the chemicals in most off the shelf shower cleaners.
It will be interesting to hear if anyone has done this and seen adverse affects, better conditions or little difference.
We use Tilex Clean Shower after each each shower and it works just fine. Just a quick spray and everything dries spotless. A couple of bucks at Wally World.
Just make sure that it won’t make the floor slippery or you may fall on your a** while taking a shower, lol lol lol.
Yes, you can use RainX. I do! Another trick is to use a car wax. Wax the glass doors and shower walls to help the soap and water runoff. I do a quick rinse of the walls and door before I get out.
As stated above, be careful on the floor or a shower seat.
Another vote for Tilex Clean Shower. My wife swears by it. It's made specifically to keep soap scum off the shower, and you don't have to run a windshield wiper over it after spraying it on.
Tilex works great for cleaning the crud off, but in my experience it does not bead the water off like the Rain-X does. I coat our shower glass with Rain-X every couple of months. Quick squeegee to get the errant water drops after a shower and it is done.
Tilex works great for cleaning the crud off, but in my experience it does not bead the water off like the Rain-X does. I coat our shower glass with Rain-X every couple of months. Quick squeegee to get the errant water drops after a shower and it is done.
Yes, Tilex daily clean shower does not bead up, it is a solvent and just runs off leaving no residue. No squeegee or wipe down required.
Edited May 13, 2018 by dzwiss
We keep a squeegee in the shower and squeegee the thing down after a shower. We also use a water softener. With this we have to really clean the shower about every 2 to 4 weeks.