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Is there any data base or easy way to find requirements for transporting firearms across the country, recently traveled to California, what a nightmare to make sure I was ok, looking for any help.
Edited October 31 by Fireguykd
Like American Express
Dont leave home without it!
one of the reasons I refuse to go to California
Edited October 31 by Big Rick
2nd that
You need to continually update your info as the laws are constantly changing. Each state has different requirements. If you have a carry permit, you need to check reciprocity and the laws specific to a state you are traversing.
This is a good source of information and protection
Call each state and ask specific questions, laws change frequently, websites,books and pamphlets often contain incorrect information and are often at least a year old by the time consumers receive a copy. Ignorance of a law is no excuse, however that booklet Gun laws of 50 states might mitigate the circumstances if you have it in-hand.
Years ago there was a push to pass a federal CC law, but states rights trumped all attempts for such a federal law.
Edited November 2 by Ray,IN
We use handgunlaws us they are fairly good at being up to date if in any doubt call the State in question. We have a Ohio permit that is not honored in 11 states California included. we have been all over California. The permit not being honored does not keep us from going were we chose to go. California and others have strict laws regarding bringing in Exotic birds. We have both.
I suppose you can revert to carrying an "antique" pistol, they are exempt from federal firearms laws. Years ago when the outbreak of rocks being thrown off interstate overpass's was widespread, OTR truckers discovered this exemption and began carrying muzzle-loading pistols. After a few throwers got shot in MN the rock throwing quickly declined.
That's how I remember listening to the national news anyway.
Traveling with firearm is like traveling with anything else adhere to the various laws and you will be good.
It's important to know the laws I'll be violating in order to stay protected. When I go to CA I lock the underseat gun storage box, and stash the key. Nobody is going to be searching the vehicle in without probable cause. I was surprised to see that a few Southern states also have laws prohibiting carry in a vehicle. The RV is considered a home and you can freely keep it there in most states, minus any magazines that violate capacity restrictions in some states. I keep a Glock 27 in the tow vehicle and a tiny 38 in the trailer.
I like the idea of the muzzleloader, I have a black powder revolver. I need to see if CA still considers that a firearm.
I am a believer in the "don't ask, don't tell" policy.
I will tell people that I do have a carry permit, but I also add that they do not need to know if I am carrying....unless they are law enforcement.
Outta sight; Outta Mind! I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6!
Edited November 11 by Pieere
ca is not that bad, but never ask the doj about any law. as they are the worst to let you know the truth.
best to go to
but in a nut shell.
all pistols or any gun that can be concealed on your person, must be unloaded and locked up.
yes loaded mags can be in the same place as the pistol.
lock is defined as what any reasonable person would know as a combo or pad lock. hard or soft case.
can not use the glove box or center console for this.
NEVER bring in any mag that can hold more than 10 rounds.
then the so called "safe gun" list.. it changes.
no law says you have to tell the officer about a gun on you, or in your ca,truck,etc. just say i have nothing illegal on me. but they do the "just cause" searches all the time. --holds up in court--
Edited November 12 by packnrat