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Senate Bill 1588
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Senate Bill 1588

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ASAP is 72 hours but I don't know how weekend and holidays are counted. I haven't had a problem getting a title or license sticker yet.


(@Kirk W)
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  On 3/29/2017 at 4:56 AM, shawnloring said:

And, that was my understanding too. (Although I cannot quote chapter and verse of a particular law, at this moment.) It seems like an honor system approach to the inspections. If I recall correctly, and correct me if I am wrong, you make an attestation (during the registration process) that you are out of the state and cannot get inspected. And, then you must get inspected "immediately" upon returning to the state--which probably means as quickly as is reasonable. And, if you are caught by law enforcement without the inspection, then it becomes a can of worms. Does that comport with the group's understanding?


The only person who I know has been stopped for an expired inspection on his RV was before the change of law to the one sticker system, but when he told the patrolman that stopped him that he had just returned to TX, he was given a ticket that required him to get an inspection and show proof to a judge within a specified period, which I can't recall the length of. I suspect that would still be the case, but am not sure.

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It looks like it will be a Livingston, Texas domicile for me too then. I was considering SD too, as the TX vehicle inspection was my only sticking point. This is because I've had bad experience with Louisiana "brake tags" where there's the only way to ensure you'll pass is to bribe the inspector. I just did this 2 days ago, for the last Lousyana brake tag sticker I'll ever buy. Yeah! If you don't, there will always be something extra they will make you buy, from bogus headlight alignments, wheel alignments, windshield wiper blades to a new windshield for a small rock star or crack.  (naturally they make money on the repairs.) This time they issued me a new sticker with a 6 inch crack in the windshield (in the passenger side corner - well away from the driver's line of sight) and the CEL light on (It's only an aftermarket cat converter heater with the wrong impedance for the computer, but it works perfectly and is 1/4 the cost of the OEM part.) Either of these would have failed the test - unless you slip the guy a $20. Then he's deaf dumb and blind! $20 ain't much, I just hate participating in corruption. It's the only way I can get a sticker on a car with 370,000 miles though. I know it would fail any emission tests due to mileage alone (required in New Orleans, but not where I live.) I lived in Los Angeles for 10 years and emission testing there was a nightmare! I was just trying to avoid anything like that in the future.


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Shawn, you click somewhere on the online registration that you are out of state Then this click takes you to a box to place a check mark that you are out of state. This has worked with no problem for us since the new inspection/registration began which I believe was in March of 2014.

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  On 3/30/2017 at 2:59 AM, sushidog said:

This time they issued me a new sticker with a 6 inch crack in the windshield (in the passenger side corner - well away from the driver's line of sight) and the CEL light on (It's only an aftermarket cat converter heater with the wrong impedance for the computer, but it works perfectly and is 1/4 the cost of the OEM part.) Either of these would have failed the test - unless you slip the guy a $20. Then he's deaf dumb and blind!

Pretty sure the emissions testing in Texas is computerized, so there's no bribing the technician.  In the Austin metro area, both Travis county and Williamson county have emissions testing.  If the C.E.L. (Check Engine Light) is on, you automatically fail.  No ifs, ands, or buts.

I have a 2001 Toyota Sienna that's been unregistered since 09/01/16 because of the C.E.L. being on.  After I spent $2k to fix the supposed problem, the shop told me the computer must be giving a bad reading because there is absolutely nothing wrong with the vehicle now.  So I went and paid a second shop do a computer diagnostic followed by a thorough personal examination.  They also said that as much as they would love to take more of my money, they can't find anything wrong.

Thus I'm currently stuck with a perfectly fine vehicle that the stupid government won't let me register, and that I can't sell because nobody locally is going to buy a vehicle that they know they won't be able to register either.  So twice a week I go out about midnight and drive it around the parking lot of our apartment complex for about 15 minutes just the keep the fluids circulating.




Edited April 5, 2017 by SecondWind

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Here is an update to this bill. It passed in the Senate, as we know. And, it seems to be moving through the House undaunted.

It has a good way to go still.

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  On 5/19/2017 at 5:17 AM, shawnloring said:

Here is an update to this bill. It passed in the Senate, as we know. And, it seems to be moving through the House undaunted.

It has a good way to go still.

Shawn, anything since this? 


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The current system can be cheated. They will scan the vehicle and then hook the tailpipe probe into a known good vehicle. I watched it done. When I called to report it they weren't interested. That told me everything I needed to know about our current emission testing program.

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  On 7/3/2017 at 10:42 AM, infoshot said:

Shawn, anything since this? 


Basically the bill is dead.  The bill never made it to the house floor for a vote before the end of the legislative session.  While a special session has been called, this bill was not included on the agenda.  My understanding is during a special session, only the bills on the agenda are discussed and potentially voted on.

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Hi All,

Sorry. I've been travelling and am just getting back to this thread. My understanding is that RickW has it correct. SB1588 passed in the Senate. It was sent to the House. But, it was not voted on, before the session ended.

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