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Escapade Extras for Friday, July 22

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Joined: 9 years ago
Posts: 1

Early Registration is open Saturday, 10:00 AM – 2:30 PM, for early arrivals, in the hospitality area EXPO South. The coffee crew will serve java and tea; Volunteer/Info/Lost & Found, Club Booth and the RV Show will be open. Check in early and get your welcome bag (thanks to Henderson’s Line-up, booth #24 in the market!) and join your SKP friends!

Early parking is available for Friday and Saturday night. When you enter the gates, please have your E-ticket ready for the parking team; if you are arriving earlier than the date shown on your E-ticket, simply tell them that you wish to sign up for early arrival . RV parking time is 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM ONLY. Remember, there are no provisions for RV parking after 2:00 PM! (Please remember that the fairgrounds buildings are not open or accessible for use until official Escapade events begin)



Arrival information

RV arrival at CVE is through front gate B at 105 Pearl Street, Essex Junction, VT. Please display your parking designator in the driver’s windshield and have your E-ticket ready for the parking team upon arrival. Early parking is available for Saturday night. If you are arriving earlier than the date shown on your E-ticket, simply tell them that you wish to sign up for early arrival. RV parking time is 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM.

Xscapers at Escapade

If your parking designator is E and you wish to be parked with the Xscapers group, please display the Xscapers logo alongside your E parking designator!

We need Volunteers!

Yes, you can help! There are many fun jobs to do at Escapade! Come join in the fun and volunteer to help drive transportation carts, serve popcorn or ice cream, or help out in hospitality or security. Review the seminar schedule to identify your free time, then volunteer three hours (or more!) of your time and earn the 56th Escapade volunteer pin and a chance to win the volunteer door prize – a catalytic heater, courtesy of RV SOLAR ELECTRIC! Sign up early; the volunteer booth is open Sunday in hospitality, so stop by and make your Escapade a fun and meaningful one.

Just for fun………


Among retirees what is considered

formal attire?

Answer: Tied shoes.



Where’s your hometown? Visit the U S map in hospitality on the bulletin board and leave your mark! Locate your hometown and pin the spot so others can see where we’re from!

Calling all Solos!!!


All “solo” RV travelers are warmly invited to join the SOLOs BoF each afternoon, beginning Monday at 4:30 PM, for a casual happy hour and get-acquainted time. Please bring your chair and beverage of choice (and a snack to share if you like). There are also gatherings most nights after evening entertainment. You’ll find them at Soloville in the campground area.

Just for fun….join us this week at Escapade, if you like, in wearing the colors of the day!

Shirt colors of the day!!

Sunday ~ Navy Blue (event shirt)

Monday ~ Black

Tuesday ~ White

Wednesday ~ Royal Blue

Thursday ~ Tan or Beige)/event shirt for staff

Friday ~ Red (Support our troops)




Pump-Out Information for

Escapade attendees


The following information is for Escapade attendees

registered for honey wagon pump-out service.

(Parking designators include E/P , S, M, or H

(Electric w/pump-out, Staff, Market & Handicap

parking sections)


  • Thursday arrivals will be pumped on Monday, July 25th beginning at 7:30 AM.
  • Friday - Sunday arrivals will be pumped on either Tuesday, July 26th or Wednesday, July 27th beginning at 7:30 AM.
  • It is very important that your bay door is unlocked (and preferably open) for easy access to your waste tanks prior to 7:30 AM each day.

    • If a special fitting is required for your valve, please leave it for the pumpers.
  • If for any reason the pumpers cannot access your tanks to dump, there will be a bright-colored label placed on the entry door of your rig. DO NOT REMOVE THE LABEL!

    • Contact the Escapade office* as soon as you see the bright label to reconcile the pumping issues! Every effort will be made to revisit and pump your tank the same day, depending upon the time of notification.
    • LEAVE THE COLORED LABEL ON YOUR DOOR so the honey wagon may identify your rig to return and complete your service. (It is a removable label with no residue.)


*The Escapade Office is located on the second floor of the EXPO Annex and the phone number is (409) 377-2007 (8:30 AM – 4:00 PM).


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User name: Escapees

Password: Rally


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