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Class of 2018

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As with a few others I was a Class of 2017'er up until a few months ago when I realized that my timetable just wasn't workable. So now the new jump-off date is April 2nd, 2018!! This time I've gone through my numbers with a fine tooth comb and I am very confident that this is a firm date.


The fifth wheel purchase is slated for somewhere in early to mid-2017 so that we will have time to get to know it and get outfitted. I am really excited to get this adventure underway!!

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I'm interesting in following along with you guys.


Right now we are thinking our date will be in late 2019 and would like to read about how it goes in your class.


These forums seem to have the best posts regarding classes. I've been following the 2017 class for a while now.

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Welcome mds1. We are still planning on mid to late summer in 2018. I officially retire on September 1st but we plan to take some vacation at the end and leave a little earlier.

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We're definitely interested in a class of 2018 thread; though not sure if we're 2017 or 2018; 2018 is probably more realistic. We've started getting rid of junk (so much junk!!) and readying the house for sell. We're in the SF bay area- I'm concerned we're in a bit of a housing bubble, so trying to figure out the best timing to sell the house, not sure yet if it's next spring or wait till the following year. We've been heavily researching 5vrs, trying to decide between used and new.


Just got back from the Pomona RV show- one trick I learned with salesmen- just tell them up front that you're doing research, not ready till next year. Many of them are still happy to talk, but many will take off- which is fine by me; we usually know a lot more about the units than they do;)

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  On 10/21/2016 at 9:53 AM, lizobiker said:

we usually know a lot more about the units than they do;)


Oh good, I thought I was the only one who thought that! I can't even begin to say how many times I wanted to correct the salesperson but figured it wasn't worth the effort.

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Been a long time since we have posted.... still not sure which class we belong in. Retirement is not until mid 2018 but we have been fulltiming (living- not travelling) in our 5th wheel since May. We had 2 HUGE garage sales and thought we sold the house before fixing it up to a couple who wanted to buy the property "as is" and got a nice discount for the convenience to us. Unfortunately they were unable to sell their house within the contract and opted out at the end of it. So after enjoying 2 months in a campground we had to move back home into the drive way to work non stop on the house, doing all the things we could have done 60 days sooner.

The remodel took another 2 months after which we moved back to the campground and put the house on the market. That was 3 weeks ago and we are anxiously waiting to sell so we can be debt free and able to save a lot of money while we look forward to hitting the road mid 2018.

Meanwhile at the campground we have been busy prepping for a midwest winter stay. If we freeze it won't be bc we were stupid and didn't research and implement methods to keep warm and our lines from freezing! Will update periodically if anyone is interested.

Maybe NEXT summer we can ride bikes, fish, hike and kayak again without that S and B to tend!!!

Bill and Patti


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I would love to throw my hat into the ring. The "Boss" and I are planning on pulling the sticks and bricks pin about August of 2018 and hit the road in a motorhome. Think it would never be too early to start learning, making plans, and meeting our "classmates"......


Jeff and Diane

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Welcome Jeff and Diane. I'm glad you joined us in the Class of 2918. We should be hitting the road about the same time as you. I retire on September 1, 2018 but will have several weeks of vacation that I need to take prior to retirement so we actually plan to leave around the second week of July. This may sound strange but we are from the West coast and currently living on the East coast. Our plans are to start out with a Fall Colors Tour in New England.

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I've been "retired" from the JOB since 2002 but almost immediately started driving a school bus for the local schools (by the way, this is a GREAT job for retirees.. off week-ends, off holidays and off ALL summer.... $20 an hour, work about 4 hours a day (actually driving about 1 1/2) and the option to be paid year around. And, they train you for free... look into it!). I will officially retire again at the end of the school year 2018. We are currently playing the "down sizing game" and getting house ready for sale. Probably get a tiny storage garage to put some stuff in until we're sure this is for us. That fall colors tour sounds great. We did a Northeast tour last year in the fall during break and it was amazing. All these years and we're just now starting to see and appreciate what has always been there for the viewing. Thinking of joining the Escapee's.... see you're a member, Walt. What do you think of it???

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I think that Escapees are a great organization. Anyone interested in Fulltiming should consider joining. We visited their headquarters and park in Livingston, TX.

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