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Class of 2018

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Is anyone interested in starting a class of 2018? My wife and I will retire in August 2018 and have been planning to fulltime for over 20 years.

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WOW, planning for 20 years, that must be a record!


I'm Class of 2017 and I've been planning for 7 years now and I thought that was a long time! ..... LOL


Congratulations Walt!

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Yes, we are interested! We have been hanging out off and on in the 2017 class but our target date to leave is June 2018 or even a little later depending on how things wrap up here. We have been planning and slowly implementing about 2 years now, so the thought of having been at this for 20 years is unreal!!! Current plan is to work on the house this winter and sell in the spring, move to a year round campground locally( in the COLD Midwest!!!) and save save save to add to the cushion before retirement date. We have our full timing rig and tow truck already and have been updating and cosmetically improving our 2004 Newmar Mountain Air 5er which is way more fun than even THINKING about working on the house!

There is so much work to be done and we have so much stuff yet to get rid of it is overwhelming! 2nd garage sale of this year is happening in October, but first...... It's off to the Lake for a week in September.


Thanks for starting the thread, and Boonhauler, we have been following your build, what an undertaking!

Bill and Patti

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We are planning for a departure date of Apr 2018 so I would be interested in joining the 2018 class

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Well, I'm glad to see that I didn't start this too early. I've been patiently waiting for someone else to pull the trigger and finally gave up on the waiting game. Yes, 20 years is a long time but we've been talking about it, drooling over various rigs etc. for at least that long. We started looking at 5th wheels and have over the years settled on looking at 43' diesel pushers. It is too bad Life on Wheels has gone by the way because we really liked attending one of those in Tucson a few years back. Just can't wait for the next three years to roll by so that the real fun can begin.

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Is anyone headed to Hershey this next month?

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We are planning for early retirement and going fulltime in 2018. Only wrinkle that could delay the plan is what will options and cost for pre-medicare healthcare be like in three years. I'm worried it will north of 2k a month. With that said, currently in learning mode and having fun figureing out what we want have as our house on wheels when the time comes.


We've already changed our mindset and now look at every purchase with the question "Will we take it with us when go full time?"

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"We've already changed our mindset and now look at every purchase with the question "Will we take it with us when go full time?"


I have to admit, we do that too. We just bought a new vacuum cleaner with the thought in mind that it would work good in the motorhome.

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Yesterday I read the entire Class of 2017 thread and debated joining but I'm not sure where we belong. It might be 2018 so I wanted to say hi to you and follow both 2017 and 2018 until I can narrow it down a little. We have a business to sell and our house is part of the business so lots depends on when we can get everything ready and how quickly it all sells. This winter we plan to begin thinning out some of our stuff and we have lot of that. We'll also work on preparing our house for sale. That's a big job and that's why we don't have a date set yet. 2017 sounds good but I think 2018 is more realistic. Until then, I won't join either class but I'll follow both threads.

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DW and I are working toward retirement 31DEC17.


DD, her husband and 4 grandchildren live with us while they are completing Nursing School. They will both graduate December 2017. While it is a joy to have them with us, DW home schools the grandkids, maintains the home and helps with the farm.


Our current plan is to start 2018 by decluttering our sticks and bricks and preparation for sale.


We purchased a used rig July 2015 and initiated bringing all the maintenance current...a large and costly endeavor. I am pleased we have our future full time rig now so we have the time to get it the way we want before hitting the road.


Daniel & Lynda

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Really wish we could join in on this group but realistically we will have to wait for a 2020 group to form lol

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Sign me (us) up!! We'll be ready to go somewhere between Spring and Fall, 2018. Looking at a different rigs, attending shows, visiting dealers, etc. I'm sure the RV sales guys hate us because we aren't immediate buyers and are just wasting their time, but I can't do my homework without wasting someone's time, so it will continue!!

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Welcome to the club. I'm sure the salesman hate me to for the same reason. What I hate is a salesman who doesn't know his product. It's sad when it is clear that I know more about it than they do. Perhaps they should go back to selling used cars. It seems rare to find a salesman that understands the needs of a full timer.

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Up until a few weeks ago I was Class of 2017, but it looks like I may have to slide the jump-off about 7 months into 2018.




Oh well, it will still all be out there.

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We too are planning spring of 18. I will retire in October of 17 and my DH in Dec of 17 or April of 18. So spring 18 is the time to hit the road. We recently purchased a 2013 DRV 39 ft Tradition fifth wheel and diesel truck. We have been taking camper out on weekends to practice pulling and parking, as well as getting the hang of things. We have made many trips to stores to get the items needed. We will be traveling with our dogs and they are getting accustomed to new sleeping arrangements! Also starting process of getting house ready to sell, so there are piles of items to donate to work, to goodwill, an to sell. Oh the decisions to be made! So many details. Look forward to reading other stories.

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