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Co-op waiting lists
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Co-op waiting lists

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We put our names on the Active Waiting List at Lone Star Corral. Last week I got an email from them announcing their new website (looks great!) and asking our permission to post our names on the website under the AWL. The email said other co-ops do that. Do they? On one hand, once that list is posted on the website it will be easier for us to see how close to the top we are. On the other hand, anyone can go to the site and see who is on the list. That "anyone" could include someone from the State who will want to know why our vehicles aren't licensed in Texas and why we don't have Texas drivers licenses. From what I've seen, Texas isn't that hard up for money to actually do that, but some other States are. Am I being too paranoid? On the other hand (to quote Tevyv) maybe someone who is considering a co-op might look at that list, spot a friend's name, and decide to add their name to the list, too.

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Maybe I am missing something. Whey would you need to have everything registered in TX to be on a waiting list???

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Yes, you're being paranoid. :)  …. and yes, some of the other co-ops publish their waiting list.  You can see them on the co-op's web site.  No, you don't have to have everything registered in Texas. No, they won't come after you.

(@Kirk W)
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  On 1/22/2019 at 10:21 AM, kb0zke said:

On the other hand, anyone can go to the site and see who is on the list. That "anyone" could include someone from the State who will want to know why our vehicles aren't licensed in Texas and why we don't have Texas drivers licenses. From what I've seen, Texas isn't that hard up for money to actually do that, but some other States are. Am I being too paranoid?

I have seen such lists on some sites and see no problem with doing it. Being on some waiting list has nothing to do with where vehicles are required to be registered, but the time you spend in that state might. Owning or renting real property in a state has nothing to do with that either. Do you really think that any state agency anywhere actually has an employee who monitors such things as lists on the internet? Even CA doesn't do that and TX is one of the most RV friendly states and has been recognized as such numerous times. 

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A number of years ago we gave some thought to trying to get a spot at an Escapees RV Park but at that time the waiting list was very long at the parks we were looking at and we figured we would have changed our mind or even be dead by the time we got one. Maybe we should have started earlier?

(@Kirk W)
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  On 1/23/2019 at 12:23 AM, whj469 said:

Maybe we should have started earlier?

I don't know of any that take much longer than 2 years and most are less than that. 

(@Captain Happy)
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As of 3 year ago I applied for a CO-OP site in the Pair-A-Dice RV Park in Pahrump. Nevada. Sent my papers in in February, and June of the same year my name came to the top of the list. Now that pretty quick. I don't know how many are on the list now because I don't make it my business to know.


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OK, I'm too paranoid. We did give them permission to post our names on the list. From what we're seeing, few lots come up during the year, so getting to the top of the list may take a year or two. We did talk to one person there who got on the list and got his lot within a week. It seems that he was the only one to say yes to that particular lot.

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  On 1/23/2019 at 2:31 AM, Kirk W said:

I don't know of any that take much longer than 2 years and most are less than that. 

Maybe things have changed, but when we signed up for a lot at the SKP Co-op in Sutherlin, OR, the wait was around 6 years.  We got to about 25 on the list before we decided it wasn't for us and withdrew our name.

That's been more than 10 years ago, so maybe the wait time has shortened since then.

(@Captain Happy)
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WE have a lady here in our park from Oregon, and she's been on the list for the Sutherlin park for well over 4 years also before she removed her name.

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The wait list time depends so much on the park and how popular it is. Also ,many people put their name on the list and don't accept when offered a spot. Just a game of chance. 

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We signed up for the Florida skp co op waiting list the first of the year.  Currently quoted 6 years wait time with over 100 names in front of ours. At that time frame we will be 65 and 63 years old,  so that should fit right in the retirement time period. Who knows what life will have in store for us between now and then but it gives us an option that should fit our goals of wintering in Florida and traveling the country the other seasons. We like to plan ahead and keep our options open 

. Btw the list for that park is published on their website. 

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We know folks who began full-timing and started visiting the Co-op parks. If it was one they liked they signed up.  As time went by and they traveled more and visited the co-ops more they refined their list. Soon they were down to two co-ops that they would consider when the time came.  Putting your name on the list involves minimal cash.  If you plan to travel a while it's worth it because the wait can be long and when your name comes up you have an immediate base to settle down or accept the lot and keep traveling and visit it whenever.  The Benson co-op has a unique way of managing their long list.  If a lot is available those on the list - no matter where they are on the list - will call in on a Saturday.  At 3pm the one who is lowest on the list gets the lot.  It really works great. You don't call in until you're ready to get a lot.  #1, 2, etc. have been on the list a very long time because evidently they're not ready. #200 can get a lot.  Other parks have you wait until you're #1 and then the next lot is offered to you.  At some you can refuse the lot only a time or two and then your name goes to the end of the list for another long wait.


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