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Starting Our Adventure

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It’s almost time to start our adventure. I’ve seen a lot of video’s that say the a big part of being successful is to make sure we’re active in building your “community”, “tribe”, “network”, etc. I’m not big on social media, but felt like this was a good place to start. 
We’re selling our house and moving into our RV on 11/27. We’re not heading out on the road right away. We’re going to Florida to spend the winter (Dec-Mar), with the intent to go on our “big ball of string” tour out west once the warm weather hits. We don’t have a schedule, just a desire to play golf across the USA and see all the neat things to see. 

Looking forward to be part of the community.


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Best of luck to you in your new lifestyle!  For us, we joined Escapees and became involved with it.  We attended the Escapades at first  as a learning experience and joined a few Birds of the Feather groups (BOFs).  Through them we met like-minded fun folks, exchanged emails and when any of us was in an area for a while we'd send out an email and usually had a group get together.  It's nothing for full-timers to travel a couple hundred miles to join in.  Many times we'd spend a week or so doing things together.  The Boomer group and now the newer Xscapers do these types of gathering readily.  They have some bigger published gatherings where 150 rigs would attend; such as in Quartzsite in January.  Then there are more smaller meetings throughout the year. Check them out.  We have a group of approximately 30 couples who have stayed friends for over 20 years now..... an instant family.  We have all stopped full-timing after many years and we now live in the same area.

(@Kirk W)
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Posts: 2

Welcome to the Escapees forums and also to the RV club! We are happy to have you with us and are here to help as much as we are able. You may want to take the time to visit some of the websites listed in the signatures of many who post here as they tell stories of how the authors did what you are planning and may give you some new ideas. Keep in mind that the only limit to the ways you can live life in your RV is your own imagination. As you head out next spring, consider joining us at the next Escapade in Rock Springs, WY.

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There used to a couple on this forum named Dutch and Di who focused their travels on playing golf. I wish they were still here to give you feedback. We don't play golf so cannot give on any help in that part. As to finding your tribe within this huge group, 2gypsies gave you the best advice I think.

Linda Sand

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Since you're golfers you may want to check out this campground in your travels.  Note:  this  blog site is awesome - great writing, beautiful photography and on the very top line are some nice park reviews listed by states.  This party has now given up full-timing after many years and have moved to France but they bought a RV there and continue to travel.  Interesting couple!


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You might also want to consider joining RVGolfclub and/or Harvest Hosts.  Both have arrangements with either golf courses or wineries, museums, farms, etc. that allow you to dry camp for 1 night.  Even though we don't golf we've stayed at a few courses and enjoyed a nice quiet night and often a nice meal at the clubhouse.

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Welcome and Florida, southern, has a very nice weather that time of year.

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Posts: 1

Welcome! We just sold our house in August and will be headed toward Florida to arrive around Jan 1. We will be workamping next summer.


Rick and Dru


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